Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Round tables and drop-leafs can be bought to act as library tables and sofa tables as described above , or there are large adjustable coffee and cocktail tables which can be raised to dining or lowered to coffee table height as desired .
2 Paragraphs classifying as Investment Business the acquisition or disposal of shares in a body corporate ( other than an open-ended investment company ) or relating to investment advice given in connection with the acquisition or disposal of such shares do not apply if :
3 Although such developments are primarily intended to introduce operating benefits , ie improved specific fuel consumption or thrust to weight ratio , reduced flightdeck workload etc , their maintenance workload implications are less certain .
4 In more complex markets , the agreements may take the form of dividing up the market geographically or according to product type .
5 I am told that , even today , most juveniles are cautioned or sentenced to community service , or receive a discharge because magistrates remain reluctant to award custodial sentences .
6 ( 21 ) Performing or listening to period music .
7 In Australia , the orange-winged sitella , a nuthatch-like bird , uses strips of wood or bark to winkle insect larvae out of crevices .
8 This is just some of the background to the debate as to whether access should be gained or desired to Range West .
9 If you can not obtain the leaflet you are after , call or write to Electricity Council , 30 Millbank , London SWlV 3JL or call your Regional Gas Consumers Council — the number is in the Phone Book .
10 Phone ( 0969 ) 24402 or write to I/O Press , Freepost , Leyburn , North Yorkshire , DL8 5BR .
11 If you can not find an address of the local group , ask your local Citizens Advice Bureau , local library , or write to Age Concern England , Astral House , 1268 London Road , London SW16 4ER , Tel : ( 081 ) 679 8000 .
12 Or write to Age Concern England , 60 Pitcairn Road , Mitcham , Surrey CR4 3LL , or Age Concern Wales , 4th Floor , 1 Cathedral Road , Cardiff CFl 9SD .
13 You must have been receiving or entitled to income support or supplementary benefit for a continuous period of 26 weeks ( but one break of 14 days or less will not matter ) .
14 A stepping-stone for many people is through the arts seen not just as providing means of expression but also as giving meaning and helping to structure experience .
15 Unix International Inc has so far logged nine responses to its Application Linking request for technology , including Lotus Development Corp , which is submitting its Link , Embed and Launch to Edit technology and Symbotics Inc .
16 There is a wide range of sexually aggressive actions from men to women which form a continuum from sex murders through rape and sexual assault to sexual harassment and flashing to wolf whistling .
17 In April a Kuwaiti airliner was hijacked and flown to North East Iran .
18 All you have to do is take up to four photo 's of your grounds , window boxes or flower tubs and send to Link editor .
19 HERE 'S HOW TO ORDER : make your crossed cheque or postal orders payable to MS WOMAN OFFERS and send to WOMAN /Jersey Two-piece Offer , Ref .
20 Their design will allow Unisys to swap most components , such as chips , multiprocessing , memory , video controllers , disk and networking to leverage price , performance and reliability .
21 The interest rate is fixed at drawdown and related to Money Market rates so can be cheaper than an overdraft .
22 Following the introductory chapter , the fundamentals of the law of contract are discussed and related to computer technology .
23 Discursive themes such as nation , self-help , respectability , have been constructed and related to class subjectivity .
24 He is married with three children and likes woodworking and listening to organ music .
25 They saw fewer Satyajit Ray films now , and went less to Indian restaurants ; Eva gave up learning Urdu and listening to sitar music at breakfast .
26 Sit and listen to Madam Correctness for the rest of me days ?
27 The second report published in April last year examined the alternatives and complements to road pricing , the impacts on different sections of the community , effects on commercial traffic and taxis , public attitudes , and technology and enforcement .
28 Fly to Srinagar , where you will be met and transferred to houseboat accommodation .
29 Filters were washed with ice-cold 10% ( v/v ) TCA solution , dried , and transferred to scintillation cocktail ( ‘ Ready Save ’ , Beckman ) .
30 The most significant sites in North Shields are Chirton Industrial Estate , originally comprising 110 acres , which was acquired by the council and transferred to North East Trading Estates , and Tyne Tunnel Industrial Estate , comprising 132 acres bought from the Duke of Northumberland in the mid-1960s by Property Security Investment Trust Ltd .
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