Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The highest ranking muderrises-those at the Suleymaniye medreses -go to certain named kadiliks such as Damascus and Aleppo , for example , while the muderrises of the next two lower classes — the and the — may choose either to take up kadiliks such as those of Jerusalem , Baghdad and Filibe , or to go to the next higher rank of medrese .
2 On this canal poundlocks were used for the first time in England , i.e. , an upper and a lower gate fitted with sluices and enclosing a chamber into which boats passed to be raised or lowered to the next level .
3 The greasy impression made by the special typewriter ribbon or special pen rejects the water and takes the ink , and the positive image is ‘ offset ’ or transferred to a second roller and is picked up in reverse .
4 What had happened was that O had been at home , not sleeping , thinking about Boy at six in the morning , and he had called up and said , ‘ Are you watching TV , ’ to which Boy had replied , as the man had heard , ‘ Yes , ’ and then O had told Boy to turn over to the boxing ; he 'd just said , ‘ Get up and change to the third channel .
5 But Hardin was writing long before the avalanche of discoveries that have revealed the fine structure of the human genetic material , spawned sensitive techniques of screening and most recently pre-implantation diagnosis , and led to the first attempts at gene therapy .
6 The meeting recommends the Committee respecting the Lint Miller " to meet with the Lint Miller , and to show him such Evidence as they can recover respecting the weight of fflax in other Countrys — and Endevour to get him to agree to dress & deliver fflax for the same payment and by the same weight , and to report to the next meeting . "
7 Jaime Collins is nine and belongs to the 4th Harold Hill Pack in Essex .
8 But technical descriptions only indicate the positions through which the feet and legs should move and at which moment they should co-ordinate with the arms as weight is transferred from one step and pose to the next .
9 The synoptic outline might have been more serviceable had it been separated from the list of languages and moved to the first volume .
10 Partly this is a matter of time and related to the first problem discussed above .
11 Second , and related to the first point , the model of man as a violent animal — and hence self-seeking and violent in the pursuit of attaining his goals — is useful as a justification for authority and institutions of authority .
12 Finally , and related to the fourth point , they were expensive ( as measured by normal library expenditure on user education ) .
13 I sat with one eye on the clock , waiting my turn and listening to the twenty-fifth rendering of ‘ My Way ’ .
14 She had n't done that she said since she was my age and came to the last page of Le Rouge et le Noir .
15 He three-putted both the fourth and 12th holes , had only two birdies on his card , and came to the last hole needing a four for a 73 for a ten under par total of 278 .
16 Upon his decision ( or decisions , for the opportunity may arise more than once ) rests the ability of the spirit to learn that lesson and to progress to the next stage in its development .
17 With few exceptions , such as franchising in hotels and fast foods , where the service can be ‘ packaged ’ and transferred to a third party under stringent conditions of control , most service firms find that they require equity control to ‘ internalise ’ the gains and recoup the high costs of developing the network in the first place .
18 The multinationals have moved to other countries because of the civil war and according to the last report , in May 1983 , there were only four factories still operating in the multinational industrial parks .
19 A fitting finale — and summons to the Last Judgement , be ye Saint or Sinner .
20 Outside a grand villa in the same city , a priest in an assortment of ramshackle clothing stopped his mule in the gateway , descended by lifting a leg and bellowed to the first person he met , which was Tobie .
21 Ever demonstrative , Markus Stenz clearly aimed at the dramatic in Beethoven 's Symphony No4 and digging deep , uncovered hidden orchestral reserves bringing a satisfying degree of tension and thrill to the first movement .
22 Setting the briefcase back down , she dug the notes out of the pocket and turned to the last page , smiling rather nastily .
23 Spray it and jump to the next ledge and grab the extra life .
24 Robert Kennedy , who played a notable role throughout the crisis , suggested that the President should ignore this second letter and reply to the first in the affirmative .
25 Lopsided and vulnerable , he tried to climb the barrage and get to the second balloon .
26 PAMELA : [ alone ] After what has passed I must leave this house and go to the next town and wait for an opportunity to get home to my parents .
27 Programmed instruction allows the learner to set his own pace , and proceed to the next block of work only when the previous block has been fully mastered .
28 He rode straight up to the gateway of the monastery , not daring to stop for second thoughts , and said to the first monk he saw , ‘ Can you read and write ? ’
29 If you are not yet sure of your reply you should clear both fields and TAB to the next task mail message or leave the option .
30 Amethyst is concentrated at Faversham , in west Kent , and dates to the seventh century , whereas crystal and probably the wheel-thrown bottles of sixth century date are found in east Kent .
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