Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] and [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Spend several days visiting all 15 sites which include eight of Northamptonshire 's U.S. air bases , memorials to the Groups who flew from them , nearby villages and churches which commemorate the airmen 's stay and pubs and towns along the route , haunts of WWII servicemen , or pick and choose those sights of particular interest .
2 Well I I think its , the way that the plaintiff puts the case on that point my Lord is that even if the defendant Mr took the view er that it would not have been proper for such a notice to be served , in view of what the plaintiff was saying to him about his wish to get out of the contract , the fact that it was available to him should have been brought to his attention and then as Mr was saying that I sorry I do n't feel I can do this on your behalf because it 's not proper in the circumstances or whatever erm , should then have gone on to advise the plaintiff either to do it himself or to go and seek independent advice .
3 Role ambiguity occurs when others ' expectations are badly signalled or received and remain unclear .
4 By and large , information stored in files or computers is used mostly for packaging proposals and rarely for learning or initiating and evaluating alternative courses of action .
5 In this sense he is symbolic of the nationalistic cause , either to restore Germany to her former glories , or to justify and inspire territorial ambitions .
6 … the practical use of geomorphology for the solution of problems where man wishes to transform landforms or to use and change surficial processes …
7 You can decide later whether to let it out or try and lose some weight .
8 We thought about jumping but that meant a risk of twisting an ankle , breaking a leg , or slipping and falling thousands of feet down the north face .
9 ‘ Listen , Roger , go for a walk in the grounds or try and pour more balm on Mandeville 's troubled spirit .
10 It automatically remembers folders and files which have been opened or saved and allows easy access to them , either via pop-up menus , command keys or a wildcard file search .
11 Meanwhile , Gain has cut an anticipated pact with Sun Microsystems Inc under which Sun will license Gain 's object oriented hypermedia training technology and develop and distribute interactive mulitmedia training software combining text , graphics , sound and animation .
12 I would n't try and to go and fall asleep .
13 But I think it 's absolutely clear that if we have , if we have no sort of terminal erm perhaps it is yes to terminal two at Stansted and I do believe that we must talk and think and act competent er Mr has put various the case but , but we are entitled to we represent Hertfordshire people and we must keep more confident er and it 's interests and I believe there is erm , if we do n't do something , somebody else would be doing that , erm and it 's and , and , and I hope that , that er the , will support and I believe that we will be doing erm so there 's a lot more complex work to be done without erm congestion on the M twenty five , although we 've got the work to put our case but at this very early stage be represented at the enquiry to put the evidence , to put the alternatives is absolutely .
14 As usual , they drank bottle after bottle and soon they began to sing and laugh and shout evil words .
15 People think women who do not want to marry unfeminine , people think women who do want to marry immodest — people combine both opinions by regarding it as unfeminine for women not to look forward longingly to wifehood as the hope and purpose of their lives , and ridiculing and condemning any individual woman of their acquaintance whom they suspect of entertaining such a longing .
16 Mr Villiers and Miss Bridger applied to rent the flat jointly and sought and enjoyed joint and exclusive occupation of the whole of the flat .
17 No , it 's knowing how to get the most out of it , the sort of simulation programs , the programs which lead children to think and to plan and to use these well is another skill .
18 The purpose of these days will be to join with others who are interested in finding out about the work of Cafod or Faith and Justice and to support and encourage those working with poverty both in our own diocese and in other parts of the world .
19 The union therefore purchased Eastcote , some seven miles from Northampton and remote from any prohibited area , for £pound2500 and housed and fed many of the remainder , very largely at its own expense ; there was no wire and there were no guards , the men being put on their honour not to escape .
20 They elbowed and fought and gave each other tongue-sandwiches , and spat at passers-by and in each other 's faces , there in the cold and rain of decaying London , with the indifferent police looking on .
21 His was the snarling rage , hers the shame as she peed and peed and swore one day to be big enough to beat him , razor his skin , utterly humiliate him , and scorn his cries for mercy .
22 The IPR 's main objectives are : ( a ) to promote the development of public relations for the benefit of the practice in commerce ; industry , central and local government ; nationalized undertakings ; professional , trade , and voluntary organizations and for the benefit of all practitioners , and others concerned in or with public relations ; ( b ) to encourage and foster the observance of high professional standards by its members and to establish and prescribe such standards ; ( c ) to arrange meetings , discussions , conferences , etc , on matters of common interest , and generally to act as a clearing house for the exchange of ideas on the practice of public relations .
23 Young people So far as children and young people are concerned , it is well recognized in historical work on the nineteenth century that the growth of state intervention to control the employment of children , and to establish and expand compulsory education , had the effect of altering the balance of obligations between parents and children .
24 erm because , to get in to the flat they 'd either to go up stairs from the deck , or downstairs from the deck , and to try and manage that with small children , probably a buggy and shopping as well .
25 All the same , what 's attractive about Russell is his readiness to admit failures , and to try and suggest new solutions .
26 For anyone who wants to understand the meaning of [ such a ] discourse , there is no other solution but to practise it oneself , to become one 's own informant … and to try and make explicit what one finds unstatable in oneself .
27 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
28 Erm having considered this , I think that what we 've tried to do in the economic activity projections is to try and estimate job need and to try and balance that with an appropriate level of provision to meet that need .
29 I think , obviously you 've you 've got your own organization , your own professional standards and things , I think they need to be developed and , more importantly , promoted themselves to the public , and then , to take it a bit further and to try and escape that straitjacket which I think which in this country particularly all public servants are limited by .
30 the other option of course is not to do that and to try and gain some experience erm m maybe voluntary for some of the time so that maybe I can then spend you know in another years time get a job which is a bit more relevant and I 'll be able to earn some money .
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