Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] her [noun] back " in BNC.

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1 One huge hand was already placed in the small of her back , pinning her helplessly to the desk : then she felt him wind a thick hank of her blonde hair around his other fist , and jerk her head back .
2 If Fen had n't returned by morning she would have to pack a few essentials , lock up the boat and make her way back to Little Kirkton by public transport , and Fen would have achieved his objective — to be rid of her .
3 For her life 's sake Chesarynth turned reluctantly and made her way back to the tutorial room .
4 She sensed their disappointment as she closed her book , and without looking at them , left the garden and made her way back to the beach .
5 She dropped her passenger in the centre of Anduze and made her way back to Roziac .
6 She clamped her jaws together and made her way back to her desk .
7 After he 'd gone she borrowed his bathrobe and made her way back to her own room to dress .
8 Cllr Kidd was awarded £7,850 in back pay and given her job back last month .
9 Impatiently , Cleo turned away from him and directed her attention back to Apanage 's machinations .
10 The move completed , Paige sank to the ground and rested her head back against the rising bulk of a tree .
11 ‘ You 're not cross-questioning an enemy spy , you know , ’ she flared , and turned her attention back to her revolting biscuit .
12 Shelley shrugged , and turned her attention back to the tall figure in the centre of attention .
13 ‘ I should say that about sums it up , ’ she said drily , and turned her attention back to her patient , leaving explanations to the others .
14 The woman stood there with the bags at her feet and said out loud , to no one , not to O , not to the child , not to the singer , just stood there and threw her head back and stood there , framed against the blue sky and green hills of France , with the train leaving now , she screamed out loud , over and over , oh fuck , fuck , fuck , fuck , fuck .
15 She inhaled deeply and threw her head back to blow the smoke towards the ceiling .
16 She arched her body and threw her head back against the stone surround .
17 And then the telephone rang on the little table beside them , and as Miguel rolled away to reach for it Shelley hastily rolled in the opposite direction , and sat on the edge of the bed with her back to him , smoothing back her hair and getting her breath back .
18 ’ She turned and retraced her steps back along the tunnel .
19 As he turned away , it took Ronni a moment to catch her breath and get her eyes back into focus .
20 He grinned and brushed her hair back with fingers which lingered on her brow .
21 He reached out a hand and brushed her hair back over her shoulder .
22 Ma stretches her lips and lowers her head back on to the headrest .
23 Jenna changed into a soft woollen dress of dark blue and tied her hair back in a band .
24 She washed hurriedly , then pulled on her old jeans and jersey and tied her hair back with the shoelace .
25 The TV reporter chuckled and tossed her head back .
26 She sat down at the table for two Roman had selected , and tossed her hair back from her face ; Roman had pulled the pins out as soon as they had left the hotel and placed them in his pocket .
27 She shrugged and lay her head back on the seat .
28 Mrs Rosalia Alderley looked about the library at the gleaming , polished wood , the dust-free shelves and the shining leather bindings on the many volumes stacked upon them , and brought her gaze back to Theda 's face .
29 I picked her up by her neck and I said you bitch and she goes when you put your face up close to her she goes and puts her ears back and goes like that to your face .
30 He found himself looking round for Slater as she put one hand on the mantelpiece and slipped her shoe back on , fastening the strap again .
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