Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] them [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then you can paint or cover them to match the colour of the flowers you 're going to put in them .
2 When banks withdraw funds , the Bank of England relieves the resulting discount market shortage at that rate of interest which it thinks appropriate , nudging rates upwards perhaps to reduce the demand for bank lending or lowering them to counteract a rising exchange rate .
3 Leave them natural or paint them to suit the rest of the decoration .
4 According to the circumstances , nurses either help patients to cope with enforced dependence ( short- or long-term ) , or help them to regain the level of independence to which they were accustomed prior to the episode of ill-health .
5 ‘ It does not address the daily needs of the majority , or help them to have the resources to survive . ’
6 Hard scientific evidence must either help the police to use hypnosis safely or lead them to reject the technique altogether .
7 contacting employers and encouraging them to use the ES to fill their vacancies ;
8 If his father had n't been so bloody-minded and had let him use the family car , he would no doubt have gone down alone and come back next day , having called on some estate agent in Hadleigh or Sudbury and asked them to sell the house for him , the very one probably that he had gone to in the following year .
9 She called the switchboard and asked them to page the physio on call , and was told she was in ITU with a patient and likely to be tied up for at least half an hour .
10 In Levison v Patent Steam Carpet Cleaning Co Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 69 the plaintiff telephoned the defendants and asked them to collect a carpet for cleaning .
11 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
12 We got together a jury of 13 good hairdressers and asked them to nominate the hairdresser they most admired .
13 ‘ The holidaymakers were having a party and one of the prisoners went and asked them to keep the noise down .
14 While Jack and Kathleen dealt with the patient , Amy rang the switchboard and asked them to pass the message on to Dr Marumba .
15 He therefore consulted the defendant sellers of agricultural products and asked them to recommend a herbicide that could be used later than usual .
16 For example , when Bernstein showed working-class children a sequence of pictures and asked them to tell the story contained there , they began so to speak from inside it : ‘ he kicks the ball through the window then the woman chases them ’ etc. ( 1971 ) .
17 ‘ That is what makes them different from other student movements , since they work with the oppressed and underprivileged , making them more aware of their role and situation in society and helping them to realise the need to organise themselves and to start doing the work by themselves . ’
18 ( ii ) To encourage subject departments to inspire pupils with an interest in their subject to use the Library/Resource Centre to further their knowledge of the subject and to enable them to use the skills of the subject , in particular by finding its concepts meaningful for the whole of life .
19 The newer , smaller , spontaneous groups — of parents with mentally handicapped children , for example must be voluntary and self-help to retain their independence and to enable them to build the self-respect of their members .
20 The purpose of the narthex was to accommodate those , such as penitents , who were not permitted to enter the church , and to enable them to hear the service .
21 He could double and halve small numbers , decompose the calculation into components and recombine them to find the solution .
22 PC-ometer We take the three ratings — CPU , DISK and VIDEO and combine them to get an overall performance mark .
23 She showed these children a series of pictures and got them to tell a story about what they had seen .
24 Wilson 's own choice of metaphor was no longer that of the centre forward , but the seasoned centre half feeding passes to his experienced forwards and allowing them to score the goals .
25 On Aug. 18 Finance Minister Tsutomu Hata had attempted to restore confidence by announcing a series of measures aimed at discouraging financial institutions from selling shares until the end of September , and allowing them to postpone the reporting of unrealised losses on share holdings until the end of the financial year , in March 1993 .
26 Drama quickly reveals to children the effectiveness of language , building up their language resources and allowing them to develop an awareness of a whole range of linguistic choices and registers .
27 WASL has written to many galleries , gallery co-ordinators and exhibition organisors and invited them to visit the organisation and view the collection .
28 He wrote to the royal couple saying that he appreciated the problems facing a young family and invited them to bring the Prince along as well .
29 Consequently , all visitors entering the Exhibition Room on Survey days were approached by a member of the Library 's staff who outlined to them the object of the exercise and invited them to complete a questionnaire .
30 Within the development zone new incentives need to be devised both to attract high calibre general practitioners and other primary health care workers to the inner city and to encourage them to provide the right kind of services .
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