Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] up for [art] " in BNC.

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1 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
2 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
3 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
4 This has become so serious a concern that early in 1991 , less than a year before their latest deadline for the launch of CD-I , Philips themselves established their own CD-I publishing operation , perhaps in an effort to energise CD-I disc investment or to make up for the lack of it .
5 As with all guitar noise problems , this effect is most prevalent when the amp is very loud , or set up for an overdrive sound .
6 It requires an adult to participate and stay up for the night .
7 We carried a medical team with vehicles and back up for the medical team .
8 Musically — forget it , but the spot effects are great and make up for the poor acoustic tones .
9 ‘ I tried so hard , you see , to give him extra attention — extra love — to try and make up for the loss of Maman .
10 Our enthusiasm for getting afloat was an overriding factor — that part of the job remained the same and made up for a lot of hassle .
11 He was careful , shrewd , and thoroughly able , and made up for the collapse of the older coastal trades by sending his ships farther afield .
12 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only 2½ ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
13 Once the veneer of hunt balls and dressing up for the occasion is stripped away all you have left is a very cruel activity which is a disgrace to those of us who live in the modern world .
14 As the fans tune in and line up for the battle ahead .
15 Having selected your water and turned up for a day 's fishing you then have to decide where the fish will be on the day in question .
16 However , he was not thrown out , he was taken back to the station and locked up for the night .
17 So the mantle fell on the second son , John , then 23 years old ; without more ado , he set off over the bridge into the Market Place , across to the George , and signed up for the infantry .
18 John Titford responded to the call and signed up for the Volunteer Infantry .
19 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
20 A census of birds sighted each day throughout the year , and kept up for a considerable number of years , is an invaluable source of information to all concerned with the monitoring of bird numbers .
21 All appointees have to provide a urine sample — even Pamela Harriman , the new ambassador to Paris , had to stand in line , clutching her paper cup — and turn up for a face-to-face interview , which usually lasts between one-and-a-half and two hours .
22 To do this they arranged a movable slit to open for a wide ΔΕ when the photodiode array is operating and close up for a narrow ΔΕ for the spectral detector .
23 The dynamic duo get away from the troubles of the world and curl up for a nap , by ffolkes , June 1954
24 And so usually at the end of the day you you reversed your procedure and went back to the stalls and took the lines down and cleared up for the butchers and what have you , and then you usually got some meat , or perhaps some vegetables , and various things .
25 After a particularly barbarous game of Murder Ball in the school gym , I stripped off and queued up for a quick soaking , along with 40 other pre-pubescent boys .
26 It took me to twenty to stand into a half crouch and reach up for the bolt .
27 Ami Popper , a 21-year-old Israeli civilian dressed in an Army uniform and carrying his brother 's Army-issue M-16 rifle , drove to the area from his home in Rishon Le Zion and rounded up for a bogus security check a group of Gazans , whom he then sprayed with bullets , killing seven and wounding nine others .
28 Why exactly the authorities wish to deprive so many thousand people of their bread and butter when the becak is cheap , pollution-free and makes up for the deficiencies in mass transit , is a mystery .
29 But shut up for a bit will you , I 've got to get on .
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