Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] up [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A firm looking to expand will not simply contemplate recruiting new partners or opening up new branch offices .
2 Perhaps you need to buy a reliable alarm clock , or give up early-morning TV and settle for hearing the day 's news on radio .
3 Capital gains tax will not become payable until the original shareholder sells his shares in B ; and if B is formed in a tax haven in which there are no restrictions on loans to directors , he can in fact enjoy the proceeds of the original shares in Company A free of tax until he dies or takes up permanent residence outside the jurisdiction .
4 Government officials insisted that they were not going to build walls or put up barbed wire round the embassies .
5 To dispose of surplus or to take up excess capacity in production .
6 They were expected to leave school at fourteen and go out to work to earn a living or take up technical training .
7 And I 'll use any tools to do that , from playing games or getting them to draw their feelings , or setting them photo assignments or working on family album photographs or using masks or setting up psycho-dramatic tableux with them .
8 The trade deficit had to be either financed or reduced : the former course meant courting the international financial institutions with their implicit or explicit power of veto over domestic policy , while the latter meant either fiscal deflation in excess of the deflation of demand already induced by the OPEC financial surplus ( in paradoxical combination with cost-inflation ) or setting up stringent import controls .
9 In his inaugural speech to the Knesset ( Israeli parliament ) on July 13 , however , Rabin said that his government would continue to " strengthen and build up Jewish settlement along the confrontation lines , due to their security importance , and in metropolitan Jersualem " .
10 You will have to fabricate an exhaust system or use the purpose built one available from Jake Wright ( 0943 863530 ) and make up suitable water hoses and throttle linkage The oil filter will have to be replaced with an adaptor and remote filter fitted to stop the axle touching the filter
11 The HP.42 , G–AAUC Horsa , took-off from Basra on August 28 at 22.30 hours , to try and make up lost time .
12 Go over footbridge and pick up enclosed path , then lane into Branscombe village centre .
13 As time goes by , and more machines are added to the scale , you 'll have a month by month reference for PC performance — and as performance levels creep ever higher ( as they are doing at the moment ) we 'll extend the scale , and pick up new reference points .
14 If Wilson 's maid could be guaranteed to clean the rooms each day and deal with washing , which could be sent out , and empty the slops and bring up hot water then that would suffice .
15 Odo de Grandson 's fellow-Savoyard , Jean de Grilly ( d. 1303 ) , was Edward 's lieutenant and seneschal in Aquitaine ( 1266–8 , 1278–87 ) and built up considerable expertise in French and Gascon affairs .
16 Firms raised more external finance than they needed , using the surplus to repay bank debts and build up excess cash .
17 But the point of the TWE deal is that US West and its other owners could share stakes in a multimedia venture and build up competitive telephone services across America .
18 They aimed to help the community overcome its physical deprivation and build up social communication at the same time .
19 Through hard work by the local Historic Scotland works squad , cleaning paths and mopping up residual oil , it proved possible to open the monument for the season on 1 April as planned , with access to the entrances of the prehistoric buildings roped of for the time being .
20 It is establishing and keeping up mutual understanding between an organisation and the people it wants to reach .
21 We have helped to bring about the formation of the International Tropical Timber Organisation — to regulate the industry and to set up sustainable management .
22 Most field men call at the office first thing in the morning to collect files , planning applications or other paperwork , and to pick up clean sample bottles or other equipment .
23 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
24 Jim Byrd bolted a line left of Route of All Evil and finished up True Path to produce Eraser Head E5 6b .
25 As the European Court delays are providing a valuable premium for some people and holding up injunctive relief in this country , should not further representations be made to the European Court to deal with the problem as an injunctive matter so that certainty is quickly returned to the courts of this country ?
26 Annie is notorious for lots of things : leaving her dismal clergyman husband , joining Charles Bradlaugh in defence of birth control , urging the London matchgirls to strike , taking up theosophy and stirring up Hindu nationalism in ways many Indian leaders thought dangerous .
27 Ferdinand , desperate to be accepted by the cognoscenti and to build up political influence , flaunted his lavishness by building a gigantic French château of bright yellow Bath stone With 222 rooms , and by planting hundreds of fully grown trees on the high bare hill on which it stood .
28 The maids in houses also wash up under running water , using all the hot water and soap and running up large electricity bills .
29 Wilfred Harte , 65 , was enraged because they were always watching TV and running up big electricity bills , the Old Bailey heard .
30 Then , and only then , begin the side-slip and use up sufficient height to be sure that full airbrake will be more than adequate to get down for a spot landing .
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