Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Secondary evidence is second-hand information , removed in time and/or place from the incident referred to .
2 Employers in this period were either providing from the resources of their businesses or demanding from the state such measures as pensions ( which it was hoped would remove from workers worry about their future in old-age , and would enable employers to dismiss less efficient older workers with clear consciences ) , sickness benefit and medical care ( which would enable them to recover more quickly and fully from sickness ) and , more occasionally , unemployment benefit , which it was also hoped would increase the workers ' sense of security .
3 Remember that once a design is either drawn on screen or recalled from the disk into the working memory , it will remain in the working memory as long as the controller remains switched on , or until you erase it from the screen with the ERASE DRAWING option from within the FUNCTION menu in the menu bar at the top of the design screen .
4 AN INDEPENDENT Scottish government would remove any form of privatisation or franchising from the rail network , the Scottish National Party declared yesterday .
5 The Trust will from time to time make market purchases of shares in the Company and make grants of the shares to such employees , funded by loans or grants from the Company .
6 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
7 Mr Robert Macrae , for Burnett , told the court : ‘ He realises he was irresponsible and he has not seen or heard from the girl involved since . ’
8 In an intervention during the Home Secretary 's speech , I asked whether he had consulted or heard from the Prison Governors Association about the Bill .
9 When government delegates meet every two years to decide which species to add to or delete from the appendices , the scene is set for a battle between non-governmental conservation organisations , such as the World Wildlife Fund , and representatives of the pet industry and the fur trade , with both factions desperately trying to sell their points of view .
10 There is a real risk of mice , especially young animals , drowning or dying from the effects of a soaking if a bottle or nozzle of an automatic system leaks .
11 A survey by Germany 's Union for the Environment and Nature Protection recently found that two-thirds of the country 's trees were sick or dying from the effects of traffic and industrial fumes .
12 Equally plainly , in this view disobedience is literally world-shattering ; to transgress or deviate from the law of nature , to ‘ fail , or swerve ’ ( i. 185 ) from one 's allotted course , is a perversion which brings ruin not only to the transgressive agent , but to every other dependent entity .
13 Unable to hold the stage in any other way he set out to organise a ‘ popular demand ’ for immediate independence without trusteeship , and having succeeded beyond his expectations now finds himself in the position of having to deliver the goods or recede from the front of the political stage and lose all hope of fulfilling his personal ambitions .
14 New colours can be added to or deleted from the woolbox at any time , making it easy to experiment with as many different colour combinations on the screen as you like .
15 I would therefore much appreciate your comments on the paper , including suggestions for aspects to be added , or deleted from the list .
16 The arguments before us ranged far and wide , as they did before the judge , but in the end they resolved into the following issues which I propose to consider seriatim. ( 1 ) Can a non-trading corporation sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual financial loss is pleaded or established ? ( 2 ) Does the right to freedom of expression affect the position where the non-trading corporation is also a public authority ? ( 3 ) Does the operation of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , or any other matter contained in or omitted from the council 's statement of claim , preclude the council from continuing with this action ?
17 To prevent starvation on more plebeian trains , passengers had to take all their food with them or leap from the train the moment it drew into a station and rush for the buffet .
18 Once this occurs moisture penetrates , causing the varnish to flake or peel from the surface .
19 * The message Enter Y to confirm or R to remove page break appears when the cursor is moved to each page break which had previously been forced or moved from the default setting .
20 Live foods can be purchased from your aquatic dealer , cultured at home , or caught from the wild .
21 This is where we might find somebody sleeping rough , or sheltering from the rain .
22 They concluded : ‘ We regard the omission as totally unacceptable ; without logic ; educationally insupportable ; and offensive to all those who fought in or suffered from the Nazis . ’
23 They passed other barges carrying heaps of peat , or bullrushes from the marshes .
24 The London banker either charged a commission or profited from the use of his clients ' cash deposits .
25 The remainder of the bureau questioned , around 20% , either had no traditional typesetting or printing background at all or came from the computer services sector .
26 Much of the initial cost of setting up the campaign was covered either by various committee members somehow doing things for free or came from the remainder of the money raised at the Comedy Store .
27 It seems likely that Ba existed in the living individual but was released or separated from the body after death .
28 During the measurement of the molar mass of the polymer using a colligative method , an equilibrium is established when the chemical potential of the solvent in the solution is equal to that of the pure solvent , where the pure solvent is either in another phase or separated from the solution by a semi-permeable membrane .
29 The sound effects fit the game nicely with solid ball striking and ‘ plopping ’ sounds and the odd cheer or sneer from the crowd .
30 This was fished either freelined or anchored from the bottom .
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