Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An early priority for an SNP government in an independent Scotland would be to remove any privatisation or franchising from the Scottish rail network and to expand the public service to meet the requirements of Scottish industry wishing to exploit the European single market . ’
2 The dressing table itself is basically a worktop : either a length of kitchen worktop or make from the same material as the rest of the system .
3 The ARR did not require the reporting accountant to report on controlled trust accounts , although Part II of the SAR contained rules determining how a solicitor should deal with the movement of controlled trust money , ie the circumstances in which money could be paid in or withdrawn from a controlled trust account , and the records that had to be kept .
4 each given unit being already known by the receiver , or deriving from a preceding piece of new information .
5 Indeed , it is possible that clinicians would treat cases which they find particularly interesting or challenging from a clinical viewpoint , rather than those which offer the most returns ( in terms of health improvement ) in relation to the cost .
6 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
7 But when the kaleidoscope is twisted , shaken , or approached from a new angle , the exact same fragments form an entirely different pattern .
8 Their perseverance revealed the obvious : needs and capacities continue to change after a person has been de-hospitalized or moved from the parental home to a group home — and the developmental role has therefore to be seen as a permanent not a temporary one .
9 Among writers alone — and even excluding those discussed in the present volume — he concludes that all of the following were either schizophrenic or suffered from an affective psychosis : Strindberg , Baudelaire , Kant , Swift , Shelley , Johnson , Hölderlin , Donizetti , Conrad , Kafka , Coleridge , Schopenhauer , Barrie , Schiller , Crane , Chatterton , Rousseau , Tasso , Maupassant , Balzac , and Boswell .
10 A House of Commons Select Committee found that local authorities had a considerable amount of discretion over what to include in or exclude from the secular curriculum .
11 Denied any recognition or support from the outside , beleaguered by the blockade , and reportedly unable to exert control over an internal situation rapidly degenerating into anarchy , the BRA leadership remained open to the prospects of a settlement with the PNG government .
12 A recurring problem is cracks caused by the fact that the foundations were of the wrong depth or made from the wrong materials .
13 So many of them were interrelated or came from the same Sardinian village that all of them , with or without a record , could usually tell him something if they would .
14 Further codes are added to indicate the functional groups that use the information , the source and/or destination of the information item , and whether it is generated from within the system , or received from an external source .
15 Perhaps you have always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon , appear on stage in a local amateur production or jump from a higher board at the swimming pool — well , how about it ?
16 Choose your own words ( up to 20 ) or select from the following :
17 To do this , cut out the outline of the vase or urn from a large leaf ( an enormous autumn leaf is very useful as it has an interesting texture ) using a craft knife , and use the shape to form the container at the base of the picture .
18 We waited on the top-floor landing for a minute or two , but there seemed no coming or going from the other flats .
19 Executive circulars on 9 and 22 April had drawn attention to Conference and Executive decisions against Party members co-operating with or speaking from the same platform as members of the Communist Party .
20 When back pain and arthritis are the problems it can help to take short rests or breaks from a long stint in one position — say sitting at a desk or standing at an ironing-table .
21 Runners-up were the Community Network — a telephone conferencing facility for various charities and social groups — and The Rainbow Centre — a small , national charity working with families where a child has either died or suffers from a life-threatening illness .
22 ‘ It shall be the duty of the licensee to secure that — ( a ) no such occurrence involving nuclear matter as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) of this section causes injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee , being injury or damage arising out of or resulting from the radioactive properties , or a combination of those and any toxic , explosive or other hazardous properties , of that nuclear matter ; and ( b ) no ionising radiations emitted during the period of the licensee 's responsibility — ( i ) from anything caused or suffered by the licensee to be on the site which is not nuclear matter ; or ( ii ) from any waste discharged ( in whatever form ) on or from the site , cause injury to any person or damage to any property of any person other than the licensee . ’
23 It was touch-and-go whether she could reach the pram before it either overturned or leapt from the rocky wall at the foot of the bank on to the road , along which traffic was speeding in both directions .
24 The captain had to certify to the Port of Havana medical officer that no-one on board was ‘ an idiot , or insane , or suffering from a loathsome or contagious disease ’ .
25 Advice and assistance in making a will can only be given to a client who is over 70 , or disabled or suffering from a mental disorder ( or a parent or guardian wishing to provide for such a person ) , or a single parent wishing to appoint a testamentary guardian .
26 deictic : a. gestural b. symbolic 2. non-deictic : c. non-anaphoric d. anaphoric These difficulties are compounded when the phenomenon of deictic projection , or shifts from the egocentric centre , are taken into account ; and they are further multiplied by the interaction of the semantics of non-deictic categorizations of ( especially ) space and time with deictic modifiers .
27 Of these 57 authorities , 32 had been Partnership or Programme councils , and the remainder had a lower status either as Other Designated Districts or benefited from the traditional Urban Programme from which very many councils had gained some , often limited resources .
28 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
29 The same applies at every level of involuntary or semi-voluntary behaviour , in falling asleep or waking , health or sickness , interest or boredom , welcoming a scent or recoiling from a bad smell , snapping up a useful fact or closing the mind against an awkward one , or in any kind of creative or contemplative ecstasy .
30 A total of 158 taxa have been identified as pollen , spores , or macrofossils from the Outer Hebrides .
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