Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] not [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A number of other allegations made by Higgins against Kruger were either not proceeded with or found not to constitute conduct bringing the game into disrepute .
2 They hardly saw each other & did not leave space for each other !
3 In 1739 ( and , later , in 1763 ) Acts were passed empowering the justices ‘ to raise and levy such able-bodied men as have not any lawfyl calling or employment … or do not make use of any lawful means for their support and maintenance , to serve as soldiers ’ .
4 Stimulating arguments aside , there are two points of view about robots and , indeed , the related field of information technology ( this issue , p 634 onwards ) : either they do or do not destroy jobs .
5 It borders upon the tautological to focus upon the relationships between unhealthful reproductive patterns and the demographic characteristics of women who do or do not use contraceptives .
6 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
7 Papers that did not include a control group , were not randomised , did not allow calculation of ‘ intention to treat ’ results , or did not collect information on mortality or the incidence of respiratory or gastrointestinal infection were excluded .
8 There was no significant difference in the duration of remission between patients who did or did not identify food sensitivities .
9 He denied all the charges against him except possession of the literature which he said was either on sale in public bookstores or did not advocate violence .
10 Other women did not want to adopt the ‘ unemployed ’ label associated with registering for work or did not want confirmation of their unemployed status .
11 In the WFS , however , those women were considered " fecund " who were either pregnant or did not report fecundity impairment .
12 Clearly , fact and fiction become intermingled in such a process , but , as Chapter 4 points out , the idea that ‘ treatment equals methadone ’ developed at this time in Wirral , as did native knowledge concerning which agency or GP did or did not prescribe methadone .
13 Thus , in the present study we evaluated gastric clearance of indigestible markers , orocaecal transit time , colonic transit time , and gall bladder contraction in two groups of diabetic patients who differed as to whether they had or did not have signs of autonomic neuropathy affecting the cardiovascular system .
14 Curiously , while there was no marked difference in opinion about bad language or violence between those who did or did not have children , viewers without children were almost twice as likely to be offended by sex scenes .
15 It addresses certain key issues which continue to be troublesome : the selection of aspects of commercial law suitable for harmonization ; the level and scope of the harmonizing measure and the extent to which it does or does not displace conflict-of-laws rules ; the factors relevant to the method of harmonization and the likelihood of its success ; the problem of language ; the efficiency of the mechanism by which harmonizing measures are brought into existence and implemented by national legislation ; and , most crucial of all , the indifference , or even hostility , with which harmonization proposals continue to be greeted .
16 However , since an Enforcement Notice has to be confirmed by the Secretary of State who is required to have a hearing , and since compensation is payable for any loss arising out of a Stop Notice , if the notice is quashed because the development is authorised or does not require planning permission , unauthorised development can , and does , go on unpenalised for a very long time .
17 If Jones has never heard of Tolstoy or read any of his books , it is meaningless to assert that Jones either likes Tolstoy as a writer or does not like Tolstoy as a writer .
18 It does indeed sound odd to say , in Jones 's case , that he either likes Tolstoy or does not like Tolstoy .
19 The supplied username is not known to LIFESPAN or does not have QUALITY ASSURER privilege .
20 Damage can be done , particularly to young people in a choir or music group , if their director does not support the clergy and join in the worship , or does not receive Communion , for example .
21 Most of the are concerned with what helps or does not help development overseas in the way of local policies .
22 ( 3 ) If no time limit is stated , a person will be permitted to change his intention only if the Panel is satisfied that the original announcement was made with due care after proper consideration of all relevant circumstances , and has not misled shareholders or the market .
23 The talented Spaniard has just opened a pizza parlour in the town and has not played football before .
24 Physically he is unusually sturdy and has not fallen prey to illness during his long confinement .
25 However , this almost certainly indicates that each species has arisen in the relatively recent past ( usually by hybridization between existing sexual species ) , and has not had time to evolve any substantial variability .
26 Mark Flannagan , formerly Director of ASH Workplace Services , has been promoted to this post and has not had time to snatch a wink of sleep since .
27 In conclusion , it seems that the increasing incidence of audit committees has not yet brought about any significant improvement in perceptions of corporate accountability and has not restored confidence in financial reporting .
28 ‘ And I 've been stung by nettles , ’ he said , injured , and pretended not to hear Dorrainge who said it was a mistake to pamper nettle stings , and they had n't the time to soothe people 's silly imagined injuries .
29 The government , reversing the uncompromising stand of the previous government of President Virgilio Barco [ see pp. 36844 ; 36889-90 ; 37119 ] , had already offered to reduce sentences and promised not to extradite traffickers who surrendered and confessed , in the hope that this would halt a cycle of drug-related violence and killings .
30 We just kept our heads down and tried not to make mistakes .
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