Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] at the end " in BNC.

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1 ( It is n't relevant whether the creators live or die at the end of ‘ The Food of the Gods ’ ) .
2 The explanation is that you lack control or feel at the end of the stick , and the reason is that you do not know where the end is .
3 As a condition of this appointment you are required to accept that if the appointment is not renewed or extended at the end of the period referred to you will not be entitled to claim any rights to complain of unfair dismissal under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 , as amended , which authorizes the exclusion by agreement of any such claim in the case of an appointment for a period of one year or more .
4 The task does not require detailed syntactic processing , simply to know where to pause ( the major syntactic boundaries ) , which words to stress ( distinguishing content and function words ) and whether the sentence requires the pitch to fall or rise at the end ( is it a yes-no question ? ) .
5 Protestantism 's strength and influence at the end of the nineteenth century is even harder to assess than that of Roman Catholicism , because of its diversity .
6 Sounds — This section focuses on individual sounds or groups of sounds and practises them as they arise in common contexts ( e.g. the sounds / s / , / z / , and iz at the end of words ) .
7 Repayments are in ten instalments beginning six years after the date of borrowing and completed at the end of the tenth year after borrowing .
8 St Michael 's Church — ‘ a gem of Baroque Moravian architecture ’ — was firmly shut and St Wenceslas Cathedral , founded in 1109 and rebuilt at the end of the last century on a vast neo-Gothic scale , was dark , impressive and so cold inside it made your head ache .
9 The Aldershot method erm because it showing you how you broke that subject down allows you to erm introduce it expand on it and summarise at the end .
10 Does Birmingham want a centre where people live and work , or a shopping complex that draws in people who live and sleep at the end of the bus routes ?
11 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
12 This system was devised not just with political but with military arrangements in view , and this is another way in which city and countryside were brought together : the demes and trittyes were often arranged along , and clustered at the ends of , the strategic highways of Attica , thereby making for easy mobilization , with the agora of Athens as the place of muster .
13 I want now to turn to some questions of form and genre , trying to identify a particular set of formal and institutional parameters for television , and returning at the end of the essay to questions of value .
14 There was a daily requisition to carry troops to the Rossall rifle ranges , leaving between 8–30 and 9–30 and returning at the end of the afternoon .
15 Both groups trained to attend to the sounds of words were significantly better at reading and spelling at the end of the study than the untrained group .
16 Then he smiled as if savouring some secret joke and slumped at the end of the table so he could stretch his leg .
17 The Parisians would scarcely spare a second thought for an Englishman and be only too pleased to see me twitch and shake at the end of a rope .
18 The spring bloom starts during mid March and culminates at the end of April , following the yearly spring increase in incident radiation , in the absence of water column stratification throughout .
19 Balbinder had to be seen onto it , and met at the end of the day .
20 At this school all pupils are assessed and graded at the end of their first term , according to a normal curve of distribution , to enable pupils to be placed in high or mixed ability groupings for all subjects , as described by the Head of Art :
21 The best description of this journey is to be found in Satyrane 's Letters , written by Coleridge and reprinted at the end of Biographia Literaria .
22 Key stage 1 ( ages 5–7 ) ( years 1 and 2 ) : begins on attainment of compulsory school age and ends at the end of the school year in which the majority of pupils reach the age of 7 .
23 Key stage 2 ( ages 8–11 ) ( years 3–6 ) : begins with the school year in which the majority reach the age of 8 and ends at the end of the school year in which the majority are 11 .
24 He begins at the beginning and ends at the end .
25 Should we dump everything down onto a long-term storage medium and select at the end of a longer period of time with the benefit of historical hindsight , say after 25 years ?
26 All too often the profit earned on an individual house or indeed a development as a whole is less than would have been made if the site had merely been left undeveloped and sold at the end of the development period .
27 If it is kept out of sight and offered at the end of the meal as a special treat , the child will start to learn appropriate eating patterns .
28 But if disposing of the waste generated by the Hinkley C reactor during its normal operation was a problem , what about the waste that would result from the eventual shutdown and dismantling at the end of its hoped-for forty years of operational life — the process described as ‘ decommissioning ’ ?
29 But if you only listen well and make little contribution yourself , you risk suppressing your own needs and leaving the other party feeling cheated and exposed at the end of the conversation .
30 Our objectives are laid out in the attached brochure , and summarised at the end of it , and are of course akin to those of the Council for the Protection of Rural England , with which your Trustees will no doubt be familiar .
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