Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] with [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
2 The dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen are commonly bordered by a narrow rim or postocciput with which the neck membrane is directly continuous .
3 Contracts could be with a specialist unit outside the area , which would be able to keep its facility going by attracting patients needing that care and bringing with them the cash to pay for their operation .
4 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
5 In an ideal world the choice of harmonizing instrument would depend on what was most suitable for the particular project envisaged and carried with it the greatest prospect of successful implementation .
6 Emptying his mind of everything except an awareness of the Presence of his Creator , Father Kipling enfolded the stem of the monstrance in the ends of his humeral veil , and held it high , and made with it the Sign of the Cross in the air .
7 The next day Neville Chamberlain called and rehearsed with him the defence which Hoare proposed to make to the House of Commons on Thursday , the 19th .
8 The problems presented by the Hurufi heresy , which seems to have attracted the sultan himself , were more of a religious and social nature than a political one , and to deal with them the Mufti was called in .
9 I would take the train down the line where they would have to change at some junction and plead with them the cause of the Liverpool seamen .
10 It is a polled breed , closely related to the Swedish Mountain and the North Finnish and sharing with them the white colour-pointed coat cline .
11 But in the nature of things … " and here he twisted his red lips to signal and to share with them the perspectives of this operation " certain approaches have to be tentative and even apparently , ad hoc .
12 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
13 This involves helping the patient develop alternative and less self-blaming ideas about how other people behave towards her , and examining with her the origins and validity of her underlying sense of worthlessness .
14 The adviser in charge of the inspection shall meet the head and teaching staff and discuss with them the aim of the inspection .
15 In 1933 it was suggested that Mosley should visit the new German leader , Adolf Hitler , and discuss with him the future of Fascism in Britain .
16 And I think the way forward is perhaps to have a meeting with R and D and for them to come to us and discuss with us the aspects of work that we will not be in a position to do come the revolution .
17 The months passed and there came a week when the purple flowers of the heather took over the moorland slopes and brought with it the sense at last of autumn , a time he loved .
18 And when the snow thawed and took with it the paint they had daubed it with , he was out there picking off the remaining flakes of paint , and cursing with disappointment .
19 As explained at our meeting , MAS 's involvement in due diligence tends to be limited to briefing the investigating accountants on the outcome of the key features review and reviewing with yourselves the due diligence findings , to consider how these may impact on price and your warranty and indemnity requirements .
20 He passes on the recipe , modified to suit himself , and carrying with it the characteristically deflating note :
21 Beforehand he met a number of local farmers and discussed with them the problems that CAP , GATT and subsidies pose for agriculture in this country .
22 Thus on the eve of the Labour Party Conference at Blackpool in May 1945 , which he hurried back from America to attend , Attlee called on Churchill at Downing Street and discussed with him the possibility of maintaining the coalition for a further period .
23 Only " estates and interests " in land are property , and carry with them the rights to exclusive use of the land and to transfer it .
24 I don " t speak Czech ( p. 72 ) ) reverse the Politeness Principle by emphasising his disagreement and carry with them the clear implication that he believes the captain to be lying .
25 It enables them to find a suitable assistant and agree with them the hours , times and tasks required .
26 Menelik accepted this and signed with them the Treaty of Uccialli .
27 will be the respect and regard with which the populace hold their own Chiefs and Elders , and not him , combined with general good relations between the private individuals which compose the clan , and the general prosperity of the unit … where the policy of the government is to rule indirectly the political officer must be satisfied with the knowledge , locked securely in his breast , that he is very important to the native population although they are not aware of it .
28 An internal viewing is strongly recommended to appreciate the excellent condition and charm with which the property is presented .
29 There is a strong sense of violence attached to the notion of ta'kwanya ; for this category of creative , cultural capability is comprised of poisonous forces and carries with it the idea of predation ( see Overing 1986a ) .
30 This will entail monitoring and sampling activity , and carries with it the power to ban the sale of dangerous products and to organise their withdrawal and destruction .
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