Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] you [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or scanned you at a maiden aunt 's ,
2 Did it open out a larger world for you , or confine you in a smaller one ?
3 If a stranger , or a bully , or even someone you know tries to harm you or touch you in a frightening way , RUN AWAY and get help .
4 Someone may jump onto you or grab you in a lonely street .
5 Your right to use your ex-husband 's contributions to improve or provide you with a pension depends on your age and/or whether you remarry before the age of 60 .
6 If anyone older than you , even someone you know , tries to kiss or touch you in a way you do n't like or that confuses you , or which they say is supposed to be a secret , say NO in a very loud voice .
7 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
8 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
9 The chances are that the felon who takes your car , raids your house , or robs you in the street will be no older than 15 , the national peak age for Britain 's criminal underclass .
10 They will either deal with your enquiry or direct you to the appropriate department in the University .
11 A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance .
12 Did you start doing a passenger service when you got the mail contract or did you to the mail just on its own first or did you
13 But we do n't need or love you as an organ gone sour that stinks in the wind .
14 Or have you of a sudden found a cure for this wasting disease ? ’
15 That 's a tall order with the wind buffeting your back or hitting you from the side .
16 ‘ I came to apologise for hitting you , ’ she began determinedly , ‘ and to thank you for the cheque . ’
17 But let's face it , the sleeping bag that did you proud on those hot summer nights in Italy , and got you through the night on the floor after the party , is n't exactly going to be your best friend when the temperature drops below freezing .
18 I think if you got maybe a twenty five year old who came to your school for a week and got you in a small group and talked about it , it would be great on a one to one basis .
19 " Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to give you safe deliverance , and to preserve you in the great danger of childbirth ; you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto God … "
20 Floaters , though , they fling their portals wide and usher you into the hall , crying ‘ Ah-ha — just the man I wanted to see ! ’
21 The opportunity to serve you and to meet you over the next twelve months I look forward to enormously and while I 'm not conceited enough to think that I can move mountains in the year ahead , or naive enough to think that I can please everybody fully , fellow Tablers I promise you I will not let you down .
22 ‘ The money is a bona fide payment in thanks for your co-operation and to compensate you for the upheaval .
23 Largely instrumental , it 's like warm soapy water , soothing and enveloping you in the last bath of the day .
24 A nurse will visit in your own home , explain exactly how to collect and store the surplus milk and provide you with a kit .
25 However , your local council will be able to tell you if you are eligible and provide you with an application form .
26 You had to book to get your hair cut , your toenails cut and your fingernails cut , and a screw had to stand and watch you with the scissors .
27 Then the Animal Rights Activists can campaign against them , and let you off the hook . ’
28 All the other times were just a way of reminding myself of the realities and provoking you at the same time .
29 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
30 If you ca n't get your own way or what you want by openly and honestly asking for it , do n't use sly or surreptitious methods because they could backfire and land you in the soup .
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