Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] it off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
2 This has the effect that the bank will be unable to combine that account or set it off against any amounts owed to the bank by the SFA member firm and , in the event of the insolvency of the SFA member firm , the funds in the account will not pass to the liquidator but will remain subject to the trust in favour of the clients contributing the money .
3 ‘ It goes against all common sense to take the most fundamental element of ecosystem , with the land and habitats it supports , and sell it off for profit , as the Tories are trying to do , ’ he said .
4 It was the Deutsche Bank which bought the great and corrupt Flick empire from the family owners before they could restructure it and sell it off in sections : it was Deutsche as well which , within the space of a few years , succeeded in transforming Daimler-Benz into a huge diversified Konzerne , making it the largest in the country , by successively buying the motor company MTU , the aeronautics firm Dornier , the electronics firm AEG and merging them with Messerschmitt Blohm to give birth to an industrial empire of 400,000 employees and £27 billion turnover .
5 He took a wagonload of the spoiled crop to San Francisco and passed it off as a Peruvian delicacy .
6 You sit there in the head man 's office , you wave your hands about , your voice goes up and down , you raise your eyebrows and round it off with a quizzical smile and a subtle twist of the head .
7 Fill in the coupon on this page and send it off with the appropriate cheque
8 To apply for supplementary pension get leaflet SB 1 from the post office , fill in your name and address , sign it and send it off in the pre-paid envelope .
9 I ai n't got a hankie or nothing so I try and lick it off with my tongue , but I ca n't get all of it .
10 You 're making a point , and then he comes in and finishes it off for you .
11 It is n't a good idea to climb hills after eating at the Naked Man — ideally you should find a quiet corner and sleep it off like a boa constrictor does after it has swallowed a goat or two too many .
12 For God 's sake go to bed and try and sleep it off before dinner .
13 sure but again I mean if there was a market for this I am sure that to take that and splinter it off into a unit it costs money to get people that want to come into this business
14 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
15 Says GAMTA : ‘ Once again the CAA is side-stepping this issue and passing it off to JAA …
16 But how can I I ca n't get it down here you see , not unless you go and dropped it off like
17 Let's go downstairs and show it off to the others . ’
18 Outside the Brompton Oratory he hailed a cab , directed it to Marylebone and paid it off in George Street , completing his journey on foot .
19 If you move quickly you could bag this one — jam it into the specimen bottle and whip it off to the Society for Psychical Research prontissimo !
20 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
21 Barron 's case is based mainly on these elements : [ 1 ] Immediately after the crash some members of Gravier 's family came from Mexico City to the site to identify his body and rushed it off for cremation .
22 A Rhodian , Menodotus , collaborated with another Rhodian to forge a bronze statue of Apollo and pass it off as a work of the early fifth century BC .
23 So , why not just come quietly over to this cosy coupon in the corner , Fatty-Phil in your details and mail it off to the address at the bottom .
24 Well why do n't you go over to Wimborne quickly and get it off of them ?
25 Oh well , and a little jog of the memories to people who are out there collecting their donations in , or people who have promised money — get that money in and get it off to er well to you I suppose , Mike .
26 Steven threw in lots of baseball , and tinkle-plunk John Williams soundtrack , and finished it off with one enormous Big Hug .
27 The chimney swift of Asia manages to collect twigs by flying at a branch , seizing one with its beak and breaking it off by the sheer force of its aerial velocity .
28 Police acted immediately to evacuate the area and seal it off to traffic .
29 You do n't have to fight your way into a plastic-wrapped leg of hairy chicken , while you 're hurtled through space at the mercy of some suburban pilot with piles who thinks only of his duty frees and having it off with the stewardess .
30 She bought a box of rosy smelling soap and packed it off to Mrs Rundle .
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