Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] to them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to get hold of a specific back issue of the magazine , contact our Back Issues department on or write to them at
2 Within a mere three weeks the Smolensk Party authorities also required all uezd executive committees to collate , check , and comment to them on the minutes of every single peasant meeting on mutual aid .
3 When they arrived the hospital team changed tack and referred to them about all matters with regard to the girl 's care because they were the next of kin .
4 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
5 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
6 He liked to show parties of visitors round the house and to talk to them of Oswald , or Hild , or Cosin , or Lightfoot .
7 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
8 Obviously , and understandably , working-class men and women took a very instrumental view of education and how it related to their needs and the opportunities available and open to them in society .
9 When parents relate to their children as if they were partners and look to them for the support and even sexual comfort that should come from other adults , the boundary surrounding and protecting childhood is broken .
10 It is essential , though , that the knowledge and skills people have are not taken from them , repackaged and sold to them at exorbitant prices .
11 Labour candidate Frank Cook told Mr Fowler to recognise the difficulties of thousands of pensioners and families in the constituency living below the poverty line , and to apologise to them for the agony 13 years of Tory rule has caused them .
12 We shall be concerned with the first category of nomic correlates , and refer to them as nomic correlates , but it is their nature rather than their name that is important .
13 Both Mr Megrahi and Mr Fhima told me they would be happy to meet Scottish or American investigators and talk to them about the case . ’
14 Well go and talk to them about it ,
15 erm It can be daunting to go back and erm meet teachers again and talk to them as , as adults rather than in the way that you used to when you were a child and erm the teacher was very much above you , but erm try your best to , to do that for the sake of the child because it is very very helpful for children if they feel that their teachers and parents are on pretty good terms .
16 Greet the wise one , and talk to them of the fears that you wish to overcome .
17 For she would carry on with her chores and talk to them at the same time .
18 If someone at work is not pulling their weight , we must be straightforward and talk to them without anger , remaining tolerant even if they are cynical .
19 He would soon argue for a Whitmanesque , democratic art , drawn from the people and distributed to them in popular editions , accessible to all and finding its way into ‘ workmen 's houses and farms ’ .
20 Females are attracted by males ' displays and go to them for mating .
21 Which brings us back to the beginning , and the need to recognise a horse 's emotions and to respond to them in a way which will not rouse the horse 's fear or anger .
22 I have sat around tables with senior male television executives and listened to them on the one hand bemoan the lack of good women presenters and on the other make suggestions of possible women candidates so inappropriate as to be laughable .
23 Stupid though it might appear , she went upstairs and spoke to them from an upper window .
24 In the afternoon Bathsheba called her workers together , and spoke to them in the old hall of the farmhouse .
25 It 's one of my jobs to meet the boats and this involves assembling the visitors and talking to them for a short while about the wildlife and rules of the island .
26 A man was walking past the girls across the street , looking at and talking to them in turn ; then he went off with one of them .
27 A solution is to make the following adjustments and stick to them for a few days while the body clock follows the lead given by your altered life-style .
28 She scandalised the academic conventions by naming all the chimps ( Mr Leakey , after her mentor Louis Leakey ; Mr McGregor , after the Beatrix Potter character ) and referring to them as ‘ he ’ or ‘ she ’ , instead of ‘ it ’ .
29 In this chapter we suppose that b/d is sufficiently large that one may think in terms of a horizontally infinite layer , although we shall mention lower aspect ratio layers briefly and return to them in Section 24.7 .
30 The Nonconforming preachers took pity on the poor people left behind and ministered to them in their distress .
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