Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was not possible to raise the necessary capital , or to sell or grant a long lease to developers , where the only marketable title was the life estate of the head of the family .
2 For The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe , buy or make a long cake such as a swiss roll and cut about four inches off the end .
3 Instead of having to come home from work and worry about wrapping up the Christmas presents , or writing letters to friends , or having a long conversation with someone in the family who needs a bit of support , and fitting all that in after the children have gone to bed and the supper 's been washed up and you really ought to be reading papers for tomorrow 's meeting , I know I have a chunk of time when I can get on with doing all that .
4 Not returning calls , or taking a long time to do so .
5 For them the demand to draft or revise a long story would be wholly inappropriate .
6 Do they really physically raise a sardonic eyebrow , and make a long face , or only metaphorically ?
7 He was a radical and something of an agnostic , and read a long paper on the evils of war at the Union Society at a time when such views were certainly not popular .
8 Jasper had apparently become excited and expostulatory , and made a long speech about fascist imperialism .
9 I became especially interested in apes and made a long study of chimpanzees .
10 This lovely Victorian house is quite blissfully situated amongst a cluster of houses , in the village of Alnmouth , right on the banks of the river estuary , with only a small garden and a ‘ no through ’ road between it and the beach — it is brilliant for tumbling out of bed and enjoying a long walk on almost deserted sands .
11 After studying the situation for a few minutes the first macaque ran off and got a long stick .
12 He would come round on his cycle just lean up against the er lamppost and push a long pole u underneath the , the lights the lamp itself the glass , and of course the lamp would come on off this pole
13 The competition will tell you that their product is fresh , takes advantage of advances in program writing and has a long development life ahead of it .
14 Shearer has not proved himself yet and has a long way to go . ’
15 In fact , this is probably , the most completely original church from the sixteenth-century in Milan and has a long history of being attended by the rich and powerful .
16 The interior is finely preserved ( 263 ) and has a long nave , with barrel vaulted aisles , broad transepts and a fine apse with groined vault .
17 It covers the period from the Norman Conquest to the present day , and has a long section on suggestions for further reading .
18 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
19 The human being ( a far more complex creature inhabiting a far more complex world ) needs to be highly adaptive and has a long period of play in which to build up a vast repertoire of behaviours .
20 The okapi , according to Gill Venner , is shy and elusive and has a long gestation period . )
21 By late March 1019 he is likely to have been in Winchester : S 956 was granted in the royal presence to the New Minster during the first week of Easter , and has a long witness list which no doubt represents the gathering of the Easter court .
22 Some of these , certainly in Johannesburg , are located in the city , far from the townships , and involve a long journey .
23 Apart from ERA 's determination to find and fund a long term solution to the dampness problem and to prove that their living conditions were more suited to the health of the fungus families than human families , they were equally determined to get Public Health on the political agenda and to dispel the myth that smoking , diet and lack of exercise were solely responsible for Glasgow 's award winning heart disease record .
24 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
25 He stopped and drew a long breath and I stared at him and said : ‘ Are you serious ? ’
26 Joanna put down her cup and drew a long breath .
27 The writing was on the wall , however , and the fateful day eventually arrived in 1906 , when the last of the Eastington mills finally closed , putting large numbers out of work and ending a long history of cloth making in the parish .
28 Indulging in litigation may mean that you have to expend substantial sums of money and wait a long time before achieving victory ; to lose could prove very costly .
29 Is he aware that even when people are examined , are found to have cataracts and wait a long time for the operation , some of them — such as a 91-year-old constituent of mine — are told that Royal Oldham hospital , which has been granted trust status , does not have the money to provide the necessary medicines and has money to help only the elderly ?
30 The problem is that you are dealing with foreigners who insist on having different money , customs , languages , politics , legislation and living a long way away .
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