Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] the fact [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A statement issued by the London Society for Antique Dealers also criticised the move and quoted the figure of 25% , missing or ignoring the fact that seller 's commission is extremely flexible , to the point of being cut out altogether in some cases , hence the reason for imposing the new rate on the buyer 's premium , which is non-negotiable .
2 Or ignoring the fact that the sender of that poison pen letter might try to do me some very real harm ? ’
3 Often a rent-free period is not an inducement but just a rearrangement of the overall rent , or reflects the fact that the tenant can not put the building into use until he has carried out certain work .
4 but it does n't actually change British policy , or alter the fact that sanctions are going to be maintained against Saddam .
5 Out of date as soon as it was published , it will do nothing to lift Britain from its position near the bottom of the league table for pedestrian safety , nor to address the fact that in individual residential areas the quality of life continues to be blighted .
6 Aromatherapy and the rest can not solve the problem of congenital disorders such as a leaking heart valve , liver or kidney dysfunction or mental handicap , nor alter the fact that some people are born healthier than others .
7 Nor did the fact that the defendants had a direct financial interest in securing a sale of Vertigo constitute a breach of fiduciary duty since the contract of agency envisaged that they might have such a conflict of interest .
8 Nor does the fact that the latest buildings are uniformly low ; they are simply low and boring rather than high and boring .
9 Nor does the fact that , so long as they consider that the affairs of the business they own are being conducted well enough on their behalf , owners do not choose to exercise their ultimate authority , provide any reason for supposing either that companies would be better managed if trade unions were implicated in management or that owners would acquiesce in the assumption , in whole or in part , of their rights by any other party — let alone by one whose essential interests are often opposed to their own .
10 Nor does the fact that notice has been given confer any immunity on the participants from the operation of the general criminal law .
11 We may choose a professional sports person as our referent and bemoan the fact that our salaries do not compare despite the fact that we may have as much talent in our chosen fields .
12 You can identify yourself as an ALAS member and advertise the fact that under the scheme you offer a free interview .
13 Given that the main impetus behind EMU is the desire of the French to get a seat on the Bundesbank , and given the fact that the Germans hold all the aces , this is hardly surprising .
14 4 Reasonableness between the parties : competition and canvassing The fact that an employee has agreed to be bound by a restrictive covenant does not in itself make that restriction reasonable between the parties .
15 that John is trying to er establish and and pursue the fact that Jesus Christ is
16 In deliberate action , ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to take account of any fact relevant to achievement of the end , which may require an exertion of will to resist emotional bias and acknowledge the facts whether I like them or not .
17 Furthermore , in order to organise yourself for leisure , you need to be reasonably sure , and to accept the fact that you will be unemployed long enough to make organising something worthwhile .
18 At 28 he will also be the oldest man on the field and defends the fact that he is way past the age when most students go to university .
19 This , I thought , reflected great credit on him , though others might take the contrary view and criticise the fact that he had not first thought to amass a substantial fortune .
20 This adds a new dimension to Tamburlaine 's character which people did n't appreciate , and emphasises the fact that he is a man of many talents .
21 This gives a lighter , cleaner taste which does n't overpower and illustrates the fact that it is not just the obvious oily herring , mackerel and salmon which have the body to withstand a mustard onslaught .
22 However , playing on the side of caution and remembering the fact that Pacu will eat fish which are smaller than themselves , I would keep the Corydoras and Portholes in a separate tank .
23 In a paper of late August 1855 P. A. Valuev , Governor of the province of Kurland on the Baltic coast , deplored the conduct of the war , asked whether the present structure of Russian government facilitated the development of the country 's strengths , lamented the paralysis of the empire 's administration , and deplored the fact that Russian government and society seemed to be at odds with one another .
24 Later , a government-backed radio statement singled out alleged attempts by environmentalist to " frustrate " the timber industry in Sarawak , and deplored the fact that campaigners who had been arrested for crimes committed in the state were treated as " heroes and martyrs " by the environmental movement .
25 The Schools Council 's early projects have been criticized in that they rarely took account of the context of the individual institutions where change was sought and ignored the fact that there was little consensus amongst teachers about the value of change anyway ( Becher and Maclure , 1978 ; Kelly , 1982 ; Richards , 1983 ; Cassidy , 1986 ) .
26 And , in an impulsive gesture of totally uncharacteristic vanity , she defiantly yanked open her old coat to reveal her clinging emerald-green sweater and matching stretch cords , and noted the fact that his attention had been arrested by what had lain beneath her outer wrapping .
27 Having looked at the growing success of the Editing for Industry awards and noted the fact that Alan Peaford was due to step down after a three-year stint in the chair , I decided to ask him to continue in the post for my year of office .
28 His personal rapport with Kennedy was one asset , but in addition , as on previous occasions , he could hope to play on the contradictions in American policy , and exploit the fact that Kennedy himself was by no means persuaded of the virtues of MLF .
29 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
30 I recognise and welcome the fact that the Secretary of State has said that there is no such thing as a legitimate target anywhere , because once that concept is accepted , we are in effect saying that murder is proper in certain circumstances .
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