Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] me [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Environmental Issues is your magazine , and anything and everything is considered for inclusion , so do ring , write , fax or grab me at a conference ( well not literally ! ) with your information .
2 I have been convinced for a long time that people could not love , accept or respect me for the person I am , only for the amazing amount of exercise I can do .
3 Ho , master greybeard loon , ’ he was shouting to Kelly , ‘ come fill the cup , or stap me for a whey-faced knave . ’
4 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
5 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
6 Well , as no-one 'ad bought any of me violets or treated me to a sandwich , and me near dyin' of starvation , with no job and no lodgings , well , I was so desperate I went up and grabbed the wallet , which Blackbeard was wavin' about at Dan Pearson .
7 But try to implicate me in any way — or use me as a trade-off- and it 'll be added to the police clear-up rate faster than the eye can follow .
8 You can show me or remind me of the difference between orange and pink , perhaps by showing me a colour chart .
9 ‘ I 've a great deal to thank-you for , Edward , ’ he said , ‘ not many would have helped me the way you did or taken me in the way I looked that night . ’
10 Is there anyone who would act as a referee or recommend me for the job ?
11 It was supposed to shoot back up again , hitting my jutting backside en route and pitching me across the stage , but it did n't .
12 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
13 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
14 Ryan stopped and clapped me on the shoulder .
15 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
16 Ralemberg smiled , sheathed his dagger and clapped me on the shoulder .
17 He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
18 Benjamin grinned and clapped me on the shoulder .
19 They laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
20 He grasped my elbow and led me through the hallway and into a long room knocked through the whole length of the house .
21 Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom .
22 ‘ The warder came and told me to dress and led me to an officer of the court , ’ the small , self-effacing lawyer recalled in an interview on Saturday .
23 And her white Reeboks screeched at the marble as she turned and led me to the waiting forms .
24 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
25 But he raised his left hand again , this time to silence me ; took my arm and led me to the edge of the colonnade .
26 They will understand me too quickly ; they will turn my own generosity against me and despise me for the lovers I took ; and they will cast me as the woman who briefly threatened to interfere with the writing of the books which they have enjoyed reading .
27 If you came in now and asked me for a pound of apples , well in a way I would n't know a stranger whether they like them under-ripe , ripe or just ready for eating .
28 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
29 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
30 I just do n't see how you can kiss and cuddle me in the department when nothing at all is going on between us , and then just as soon as there is , you switch it all off like a blasted tap ! ’
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