Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] him down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He preferred to forget about those , or to pretend to himself that ‘ the real Marie ’ had not sent that bottle crashing into the wall by his head , or hunted him down in the darkness of the tunnels .
2 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
3 Choking , he shifted one hand from his enemy to claw at his own throat , and instantly the fist that was strangling him heaved him roughly back from the edge and flung him down in safety at the foot of the wall .
4 And at the same time the racing of her blood was only partly fear , and she could see that he knew it , that he had discovered this power and tuned it to performance pitch , that the insults were a kind of invitation , the display of force a plea turned upside down , and she also wanted , because she longed to please , to take off her clothes then and there and let him down from his prideful pose , and soothe him with her obedience to his rage .
5 He knew what blow had knocked proud Lucifer , the first angel , out of the sky and hurtled him down to be the founder of Hell .
6 She jumped up and thrust him down on the seat , holding his shoulders .
7 And instinctively she reached out her arms as if to circle his neck and draw him down into an imaginary embrace .
8 Seeing that Owen was having difficulties in getting used to the idea , she took him by the hand and pulled him down beside her on the divan .
9 While the other patients crowded outside and Miss Sowerby tried to keep them in order , Alec motioned to the father to carry the boy into the ‘ ops ’ theatre and lay him down on his back on the operating table so that we could make a more detailed examination .
10 Feeling himself falling backwards , he drove his heel hard into Isambard 's instep , and brought him down with him , heaving and struggling on the stones .
11 The police considered this and took him down to the station — for tea and sticky buns .
12 ‘ Do you disapprove of us , my angel ? ’ she asked , exalted by wine and overbearing , and took him down to the kitchen to give him some of the leftover chicken .
13 And that was the poor old man he was just just about away so they sent for the ambulance and took him down to Forfar to They used to call that the poor house , I do n't know what they call it now but it was the poor house in those
14 I was warm and sleepy but my master kept haranguing me : compliance seemed the easiest way out so I put on my boots , grabbed my cloak and accompanied him down to the Templar chapel .
15 With a sigh , she lifted her arms to reach him and pull him down to her , and the sheet , like her resolve , slipped away .
16 Maxim reached around him to pull the front door shut and ushered him down to the car .
17 I mean we Mitterand and take him down to the I suppose , see if that 'll do any good but erm
18 So , hoisting her bag over her shoulder with an element of pride that for a brief moment made her lose sight of how important it was to try and pin him down for an interview , she made for the door .
19 She extracted him determinedly and set him down on his feet , whereupon he wobbled perilously backwards and forwards , then set off at a tremendous pace across the courtyard , with his mother following , calling apologies back to Caroline as she disappeared from view .
20 I pulled the little guy from my pocket and set him down on my desk .
21 Last of his stick to leave the C130 , Grant 's rate of descent was half again as fast as the rest , taking him past the others , and plummeting him down in a whirling corkscrew .
22 She helped him to the kitchen , as that seemed to be the best place for him for the moment , and sat him down at the kitchen table while she went and got a towel .
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