Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] him into the " in BNC.

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1 Rain had to choose whether to let him pass or lead him into the house and try to steer him away from the kitchen .
2 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
3 Do come in , ’ she said , and led him into the dining-room .
4 She took his hand and led him into the sitting room .
5 The tiny woman took Tuppe by the hand and led him into the darkness at the rear of the shop .
6 ‘ It 's this way , ’ Ashley said , and led him into the house .
7 If she 'd had the power at that moment she would have reached out and crushed him into the carpet .
8 ‘ We never got any recognition for it , but Vidal 's short , geometric look , which made his name and got him into the news , had never before been seen .
9 I often have to get up with Graham , carry him into the living room and nurse him into the living room and nurse him on the armchair .
10 He went back for the President , lifting him from behind by both elbows and walking him into the shower with his boxer shorts and his sandals on .
11 Cut him out and slip him into the stocking so he peeps out of the top .
12 It was this same Spirit that drove Jesus off into the desert to be tempted after his baptism , that pioneered the mission of the early Church often in the most bizarre , unexpected and ‘ unorthodox ’ ways ; that gripped a man like Philip , removed him from a flourishing evangelistic campaign in Samaria and drove him into the desert because there was one man who needed his help .
13 With a hopeless head for finance and a desperate desire to befriend , Lear was only too willing to receive the attentions of John Gould , then in his mid-20s , and to initiate him into the secrets of the new technique of lithography and the art of ornithological illustration .
14 At the churchyard stile the priest would meet him in ‘ reverential pomp ’ and conduct him into the Church to attend divine service .
15 His cheerful London accent seemed to bring her back down to earth , and she hurried to unlock the bolts and let him into the hallway .
16 At his first rehearsal of Peter Pan , almost before Bunny had finished introducing him to the rest of the cast , Dotty had taken him proprietorially by the arm and strolled him into the wings .
17 The victory , the 18th of Kite 's career , was worth $198,000 and lifted him into the top spot on this year 's US Tour money-winning list with $292,361 .
18 Cross and sore , I got straight back on and trotted him into the fence again .
19 A bolt was drawn back from inside then the door opened fractionally before a hand reached out and hauled him into the room .
20 He requests that I accompany him and pipe him into the restaurant .
21 A very spruce maid welcomed him and showed him into the Bishop 's drawing-room .
22 She seemed inclined to give Harry short shrift , but at his mention of Heather 's name , she relented and showed him into the front room , where a meagre measure of calm and quiet prevailed .
23 Furious at the decision of young King David II to appoint Sir Alexander Ramsay rather than himself as sheriff of Teviotdale , Douglas captured Ramsay and threw him into the Hermitage dungeon .
24 Then they sealed the lid and threw him into the Nile .
25 He dived headlong as he reached the top , but Burun stepped out of the way , caught his son 's sash at the back as he passed , swung him round and threw him into the wreckage of the bed again .
26 After approaching him on the street and ushering him into the house he told the boy ; ’ Welcome to the Devil 's Kingdom ’ and threatened to kill him if he did nt co-operate .
27 His face and body were a mass of bruises after he had been attacked at his home by a forty-strong mob who were preparing to lynch him in the remains of his once beautiful garden when the military had arrived and bundled him into the back of a police van and brought him to La Tambier .
28 For a time we fished quietly , and then I moved carefully behind Moely and knocked him into the water .
29 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
30 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
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