Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] him off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Would release embarrass him or cut him off from that obscure membership of the masculine club ?
2 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
3 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
4 I took this bandage off and put a cold compress on , making a proper patella dressing , got the ambulance and got him off to hospital , and put in a Report about this broken gas-lid .
5 Well , I just told Ruth not to be a silly girl and got him off to Nurse .
6 As Armstrong was riding homewards along the river bank at the end of the session , a group of English horsemen set off in pursuit , captured him , and bore him off to imprisonment in Carlisle castle .
7 " But I mind , I mind very much ! " he snapped , and walked with quick , short steps back to Fernando , taking his arm and leading him off into the crowd .
8 However , when he grabbed Richard Baxter 's cloak it came away , and before he could do any more harm a couple of by-standers restrained him and hauled him off to the magistrates .
9 My lesson lasted about half the time of Tony 's , terminating as he was explaining the purpose of the deadman 's handle to me when a gust filled his chute and hauled him off in fine style .
10 But his own doctor said he was not fit even for office work and signed him off for another six months because of ‘ obesity and hypertension ’ .
11 Meanwhile in 1772 the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew engaged its first professional plant collector , Francis Masson , and packed him off to South Africa from where he duly introduced a great number of exotic plants , at least two of which , Zantedeschia erathiopica and Amaryllis belladonna , are still grown in Trust gardens in warmer areas to this day .
12 And sent him off to distant jungles .
13 When he had fallen asleep , Aurangzeb quietly chained up his brother in silver fetters and sent him off to Delhi in a covered elephant howdah .
14 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
15 Wycliffe felt like patting him on the head , but he thanked him and saw him off with his samples , then he went back to his little office and sat staring at the wall .
16 Haverford got up early , sat in the garden jotting away until , as often as not , Don Marco arrived in a small rattling car and took him off on an unknown errand .
17 The house , nevertheless , had visitors interesting to the children ; a couple of famous Congregationalist laymen Frank Salter and Bernard Manning , both of whom were historians and riotous rompers with children ; the Reddaway children who lived next door ; the daughters of G. G. Coulton the English hammer of Popes ; and the friendship between the two sets of children caused Coulton to take an interest in Michael and carry him off to the village church at Coton to see medieval graffiti .
18 It would not be past Zhukov 's greed and cunning to try and fob him off with the wrong pie e of film .
19 The moment Owen had come in , however , he had waylaid him and taken him off behind the potted palms .
20 Two medics arrived and carried him off to the First Aid Post .
21 Item that Richard Curteys of Battle … entered the liberty of this lordship and made an assult on Richard Knyght against the peace by night ; and with a strong hand , with force and arms , to wit , with swords , bows and arrows , they unjustly took him outside the aforesaid lordship and carried him off to Battle , within the liberty and town of the abbot of Battle , against the peace .
22 In 1582 the first earl over-reached himself when , in a misguided attempt to gain control over the young king , he and others kidnapped James VI and carried him off to Huntingtower .
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