Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [to-vb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A solicitor will generally be free to decide for himself whether or not to accept instructions from a client , though he must always bear in mind the statutory obligation not to discriminate against potential clients on the grounds of race , colour , sex etc ( see Chapter 3 ) and he must refuse to act or to continue to act in any of the following circumstances : ( 1 ) where his client seeks to insist on the solicitor conducting his case in a way which would involve some breach of law or professional regulation ; ( 2 ) where the client 's affairs are outside his professional competence ; ( 3 ) if he suspects that the instructions purporting to come from his client do not in fact represent the client 's wishes ; ( 4 ) where the solicitor is unable to obtain confirmation from the client of instructions received from a third person ; ( 5 ) where there is or is likely to be some conflict of interest involving the solicitor himself , his client , other clients ( present , past or prospective ) , or the firm ; ( 6 ) where the solicitor may be a material and not merely formal witness in any proceedings ; ( 7 ) where another solicitor has already received instructions which have not been formally withdrawn .
2 If you have , or expect to obtain in 1991 , a good honours degree or equivalent in electrical , electronic or radio engineering , communications , computer science , mathematics or physics , then we would like to hear from you .
3 You must have , or expect to obtain in 1991 , a good honours degree or higher qualification in a scientific , engineering , mathematical or computing discipline .
4 We have Companies who are making high levels of profit , who are still shedding jobs or refusing to invest in new jobs ’ .
5 I fully endorse the sentiments of President Tom Douglas in condemning Companies who are making high levels of profit and who are still shedding jobs or refusing to invest in new jobs .
6 This does n't mean that the seconds can wholly relax , or afford to indulge in sloppy technique .
7 This is evident not only from the fact that the jurisdiction of the Legal Services Ombudsman under sections 21 to 26 of the Act stops at the moment when a complaint enters into the jurisdiction of a disciplinary tribunal : section 22(7) , but also from the fact that in section 27(3) Parliament refers to the process by which a barrister may be disbarred or temporarily suspended from practice by order of an Inn of Court without any hint that it disapproves or wishes to alter in any way the manner in which for centuries the Inns have made orders for disbarment subject to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
8 If a local authority believes that a child within its area at any time is likely to suffer harm but the child lives or proposes to live in another area , there is a duty to notify the " home " authority ( Sched 2 , para 4(2) ) .
9 Such changes in practice will have an impact on plaintiff personal injury lawyers already acting or trying to act in maximum severity cases .
10 Education liaison officer Lindsey Walton said : ‘ We were approached and asked to participate in this prestigious scheme and are very pleased to be associated with the schools . ’
11 Craigendarroch 's information pack — which can be found in your room — is a mine of information on the many activities and placed to see in this fascinatingly diverse area .
12 Oh and got to park in main parking lot .
13 While many are unable to tolerate a close , demanding , intimate relationship they nevertheless crave friendships and want to engage in normal social activities such as eating out and chatting over a drink in a club or pub .
14 I 'm doing a secretarial course and want to get in that way .
15 ‘ We can not simply change the face at the top and expect to win in 1996 on the programme on which we lost in 1992 .
16 It has always seemed to me that in pupils ' day to day work and more specifically in their exercise books , we have a reasonable body of evidence which can be evaluated , probably in the school , moderated , probably by other teachers and headmasters and allowed to count in some way towards the success of pupils .
17 By this he means the degree to which an individual wants and chooses to engage in certain specified behaviour is low .
18 Living snakes and lizards are highly varied , and manage to live in some environments ( e.g. dry deserts ) where the mammals are pushed to survive .
19 the recognition that an incapacitated person should be allowed and encouraged to participate in any decision-making to the fullest possible extent .
20 The children should be given the opportunity to mix with handicapped people , and encouraged to participate in voluntary activities , helping in homes and at social clubs for the handicapped .
21 They met in 1968 and began to cohabit in 1969 , although they did not marry until 1978 .
22 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech .
23 Héloise de Rochefort stood very still for a moment , then she covered her face with her hands and began to cry in great , gusty , choking sobs .
24 Arabs need to be fast and alert to survive in exposed desert lands , while Highlands have to be sensible and phlegmatic to cope with mountainous terrain .
25 Utd ( which I was totally amazed about when I read it in the newspaper ) he seems to have settled down and appears to put in more effort .
26 In Europe between the wars fascist movements destroyed democracy in several countries , while in Latin America , Africa and Asia military dictatorships and other forms of authoritarian rule have been common , and continue to exist in many places .
27 In other words , the symptoms were at their worst during the hot , dry summers of the early Eighties and started to improve in subsequent wet summers .
28 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she burst out hoarsely and started to fight in deadly earnest , slapping and scratching at him , little cries of panic coming from the back of her throat as her mind flashed back into full operation and she realised with sick fear just how close she had come to the edge .
29 Then it must have changed its mind , and started to grow in two directions , a narrower tube into the ‘ mouthpiece ’ and a broader one into the ‘ horn ’ , and there is some evidence that the ‘ horn ’ end continued to get wider and longer .
30 Andrew Puddle , the Wales skipper from Colwyn Bay , won the toss and decided to field in dull conditions .
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