Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [to-vb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er we are not required or intending to look at objections which have been submitted on other aspects of the structure plan .
2 They ‘ had a motor car placed at their disposal … and planned to arrive at Dennis ' home [ at Ancaster , near Sleaford ] at 9.30 , so as to have a glass that cheers , and then talk until midnight , the earliest time for signing .
3 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
4 Immatures best told from other large immature gulls by distinctive shape of bill , heavy and appearing to droop at tip .
5 It turned back and tried to land at Malta , but was refused permission .
6 Grandad arrived in Baldersdale around the turn of the century , to work on the building of the reservoir , and came to lodge at Low Birk Hatt , when Great-Grandfather Tallentire was running it .
7 When Bill Clough proposed , she accepted him and came to live at Petworth Estate .
8 And came to rest at Ridgery Butts , ’ commented the Friar thoughtfully .
9 The murderers were tried at Winchester , and sentenced to hang at Inkpen , midway between the two villages .
10 3T3 cells were grown as monolayers in flasks , collected by trypsinization and allowed to stand at 4°C for 2h before incorporation into reaggregates .
11 Willie met him and turned to look at Tom .
12 Elizabeth placed her cup carefully on the hob by the fire and turned to look at George , who was leaning forward , looking at her earnestly .
13 Eleanor lowered her hands and turned to stare at Melissa , an expression of bewilderment on her blotched and swollen face .
14 Trees and shrubs and plants from all parts of the world were introduced and encouraged to feel at home ; Inverewe became tropical .
15 Esther paid her first visit to Italy , where she spent three months at the Università per Stranieri in Perugia , learned some Italian , drank a great deal of wine , took up with a middle-aged American art historian and began to look at paintings .
16 Then they are trucked long distances to toil on remote plantations where they are held prisoner and compelled to work at gunpoint .
17 Perhaps on this occasion , many of them will do the sensible thing and decide to stay at home .
18 Organisations like ACET need this support to enable people like myself to retain maximum control and continue to live at home as independently as we can .
19 Organisations like ACET need this kind of support to enable people like myself to retain maximum control and continue to live at home .
20 When his father died in 1933 Dawson inherited the family property in Yorkshire and went to live at Hartlington Hall , but stayed there only a few years because of his frail health .
21 He resigned from Whitefield 's and intended to resign from Parliament , and went to lecture at Yale University on ‘ The Romance of Preaching ’ .
22 ‘ There was no inheritance in the case , you see , for Robert Beckenham was only a third son and chose to live at home in idleness rather than follow a profession . ’
23 Since a high proportion , normally at or near 100 per cent , of their work was in teacher education , looking at BEd proposals meant in fact judging the institution as a whole , and the CNAA knew from the outset that many of the colleges hoping for validation would not be adequately staffed , experienced and resourced to teach at degree level .
24 Then on 14 June 1985 TWA Flight 847 was hijacked and forced to land at Beirut where , before the world 's television cameras , it was held for 17 days .
25 Christian accompanied him once to Ireland to watch a new filly run , took one look through the field-glasses , announced he was already dying of boredom , and departed to look at paintings .
26 Mix well and leave to rise at room temperature for 30 mins .
27 Replace in bowl and leave to rise at room temperature for 1½-2 hours .
28 Fiona looked at the seating plan and said to meet at table six .
29 The fog exacerbated his emphysema : he was short of breath , found it difficult to walk very far , and had to stay at home in seclusion .
30 He developed athletics at the college , and continued to run at meetings in China .
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