Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pers pn] off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or drops her off at the beach house . ’
2 In order to get a true comparison between the firms ( and accordingly between the contributions , both capital and income generating , of their partners ) it may be necessary : ( 1 ) to revalue capital assets to a common date ; ( 2 ) to bring in the profits from the disposal of any property not required by the merged firm ; ( 3 ) to devise some means of compensation if goodwill is to be written out of account where it has previously been treated as an asset in which the partners have a share ; ( 4 ) where work in progress features in the accounts of one of the firms , to eliminate it by billing or to write it off against the capital accounts of that firm 's partners ; ( 5 ) to settle how bad debts are to be treated post-merger , either charged generally against the new firm or separately against the partners of the old firms ; ( 6 ) to write off the value of old fixtures and fittings ; ( 7 ) to revise profit and loss accounts to a common accounting date .
3 Would release embarrass him or cut him off from that obscure membership of the masculine club ?
4 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
5 This has the effect that the bank will be unable to combine that account or set it off against any amounts owed to the bank by the SFA member firm and , in the event of the insolvency of the SFA member firm , the funds in the account will not pass to the liquidator but will remain subject to the trust in favour of the clients contributing the money .
6 An ‘ undred years ago they would ‘ ave ‘ anged me on the spot or sent me off to Australia , so I ca n't complain .
7 If you do n't have them , use manual valves to adjust the radiators or turn them off in rooms not in use .
8 The Group of 77 , as the developing countries called themselves , had already discovered the capacity of the opposing phalanx of rich , aid-giving industrialised countries either to stonewall their demands for more aid or for preferential trading arrangements , or to fob them off with empty , symbolic gestures .
9 Afraid that at any moment someone would shout ‘ Grab her ! ’ and drag her off to some unspecified yet ineluctable torment , she forced herself at least to look calm while she sat at the console on the dais .
10 If Kelly could see her now she 'd throw up her hands in horror and drag her off to the nearest restaurant to order the biggest meal on the menu .
11 He beckoned and led them off between the Standing Stones .
12 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
13 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
14 So you can carve up the remains and sell them off to the highest bidders ? ’
15 ‘ It goes against all common sense to take the most fundamental element of ecosystem , with the land and habitats it supports , and sell it off for profit , as the Tories are trying to do , ’ he said .
16 It was the Deutsche Bank which bought the great and corrupt Flick empire from the family owners before they could restructure it and sell it off in sections : it was Deutsche as well which , within the space of a few years , succeeded in transforming Daimler-Benz into a huge diversified Konzerne , making it the largest in the country , by successively buying the motor company MTU , the aeronautics firm Dornier , the electronics firm AEG and merging them with Messerschmitt Blohm to give birth to an industrial empire of 400,000 employees and £27 billion turnover .
17 He blew a lot of his money on gambling , even slot machines , and buying cars before he got bored with them and sold them off for a fraction of the price he paid for them . ’
18 He painted in various styles and passed them off as originals making a lot of money in the process .
19 He took a wagonload of the spoiled crop to San Francisco and passed it off as a Peruvian delicacy .
20 I took this bandage off and put a cold compress on , making a proper patella dressing , got the ambulance and got him off to hospital , and put in a Report about this broken gas-lid .
21 Well , I just told Ruth not to be a silly girl and got him off to Nurse .
22 Indeed , she was conscious of good fortune in having at last got a council flat in Southwark , and in having good neighbours in the flat across the landing who saw that her children — a boy of nine and a girl of seven — ate their breakfast , and got them off to school .
23 You sit there in the head man 's office , you wave your hands about , your voice goes up and down , you raise your eyebrows and round it off with a quizzical smile and a subtle twist of the head .
24 Many people who had never been abroad before were happy to let the tour operator take the strain and send them off on holidays where everything was organized for them .
25 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
26 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
27 I draw in the markings of each Friesian heifer — they 're all unique , you see — and send them off to the breed society , then they 're registered . ’
28 This means that using a program like WINFAX , you can combine document and data from a variety of Windows applications — a letter from word processing , a graphic from your paint program , a design from DTP , a graph from the spreadsheet etc and send them off in one FAX .
29 Fill in the coupon on this page and send it off with the appropriate cheque
30 To apply for supplementary pension get leaflet SB 1 from the post office , fill in your name and address , sign it and send it off in the pre-paid envelope .
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