Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Many situations predispose to spatial disorientation — The main ones are : a ) Any situation involving a reduction or change in the way essential cues are available to you , eg on transition from visual to instrument flight or attempting to fly visually when what you can see is inadequate as in poor light , haze or high altitude .
2 A big woman , bigger than her husband , nothing cowed or mean about the way she stood .
3 In answer to the question ‘ Do you approve or disapprove of the way … is handling his job as President ? ’ the respondents answers are given in Table 2 , which also shows that after the fourth month of Reagan 's first term , and in the wake of the assassination attempt on 30 March , his approval rating rose to 68 per cent .
4 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
5 But none of these principles could have been exploited or pursued in the ways in which they were had there not been tacit approval and support on the part of the state .
6 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
7 or stand in the way of sinners
8 The different sorts of Goblins can do this in different ways but the objective is the same : either attack an enemy unit and bog it down in a protracted combat , or stand in the way of an enemy unit to prevent it attacking your core units .
9 So far in Freud 's argument we are only concerned with a descriptive statement , albeit one with many theoretical overtones , but there is at this point no assertion about the genesis of this hostility , or about the degree to which it is innate , or produced by the way humans are reared , or by the interaction of the two .
10 The first , which deals with VAT traders , explains traders ' rights and Customs ' responsibilities ; the quality of service that traders can expect ; what happens during visits ; what to do if a trader disagrees with or complains about the way they have been treated ; and how Customs will publish results .
11 The advantages of a DIP system are that images — unlike paper documents — do not have to be physically moved around the office , they occupy much less storage space , and they can not be lost , misfiled or damaged in the way that paper can .
12 ‘ Am I okay , here ? ’ she said , and Coco/Jeanette said , ‘ Sure , ’ and pointed to a place alongside her where Lucy could stand and see a part of the performance without any risk of being seen or getting in the way .
13 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
14 Then you spend another 30 minutes sitting in a car , bus or train on the way to work .
15 Allowance must always be made for wind strength and the possibility of strong sink , since it can never be known beforehand whether there will be lift or sink on the way back .
16 For example , in many classrooms pupils can be found discussing the differences in vocabulary there would be between an on-the-spot oral account of a road accident and a newspaper report of it the following day ; or considering the ways in which conventional spellings can be violated in advertisements and brand names ; or listing some of the differences between their grandparents ' use of language and their own ; or talking about the way a poet 's choice of metaphor yokes together two dissimilar things so that something familiar is suddenly perceived in a new way ; and so on .
17 In particular the teaching force will not be regenerated or remotivated in the ways that are necessary ( and possible ) , and which alone will lead to the real and sustained improvements in the quality of the service delivered to pupils .
18 It seems clear to us that all of the above criteria will be enhanced or negated by the way in which the change agent or the action system reacts to participation : what stereotypes do they have of client representatives ? do they believe in participation ? what expectations do they have of participation and client representatives ?
19 Do not scold or dispute on the way to , or during time-out .
20 Typically , tradition weighs heavily on us : curriculums are organised and taught in the way that we have always done it .
21 Do you ever stop and think about the way you breathe ?
22 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
23 The caterers arrived too early and got in the way of the woman who was doing the flowers .
24 Drained by his ranting and lulled by the way he could float in the starsuit , just touching the padded interior , he drifted into and out of sleep like a man wandering through the rooms of an empty house .
25 In my first ten years of headship over 100 families used the service which the school provided , often returning to share with the group the progress which had been made and to comment on the ways in which their children had responded to the advice they had been given .
26 This in turn makes the parents feel unhappy about being a burden , and not being loved and respected in the way they had expected .
27 And there are readers who have been deeply moved and impressed in the ways that we have described by books that can not be described as the best of anything .
28 As part of the investigation into attitudes to mass electricity , the project explores the reception by the public of plans for a National Grid and looks at the way in which this programme was presented to those most likely to be environmentally and economically affected by its construction .
29 And stopped on the way of course in .
30 In order to sustain a more robust disagreement , individualist theorists must contend that human autonomy makes a substantial difference to the explanation of action , and stands in the way of the determinist account supposedly favoured by holists .
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