Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] by " in BNC.

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1 In practice variations so caused are few : in every land the total number of list seats nearly always turns out to be either the same as the total number of constituency seats or to differ from it by only one or two .
2 For the rest , they can choose either to give preferential treatment to foreign firms ( by means of incentives not available to local firms ) , or to discriminate against them by such means as Brazil 's market reserve policies .
3 I sincerely believe that all our children , whether born to us or entrusted to us by adoption , are not our possession .
4 Section 4(1) ( c ) provides : ( c ) ( i ) that the only supply of the product to another by the person proceeded against was otherwise than in the course of a business of that person 's ; and ( c ) ( ii ) that section 2(2) above does not apply to that person or applies to him by virtue of things done otherwise than with a view to profit …
5 ‘ The lighthouses were built , operated , financed and owned by private individuals , who could sell the lighthouse or dispose of it by bequest , ’ Mr Coase found .
6 MANY of the four million people prescribed drugs for mild high blood pressure could take smaller doses or live without them by learning to relax , Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin says today .
7 The other side is the consciousness of perfection and blessedness which we recognise as mediated to us through Jesus and communicated to us by him .
8 It will be suggested perhaps that , instead of simply feeling himself pulled between a thirst for new experience and a dread of losing his pension , a rational man would ponder conflicting principles , ‘ It is good to welcome new experience ’ and ‘ One ought not to risk one 's pension ’ , and judge between them by deducing from more general principles combined with verbally formulated facts about Bali and himself .
9 We tie a maiden to the stone and dance round it by firelight ! ’
10 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
11 By s.4(2) : A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his direction , except …
12 Will my hon. Friend the Minister bear it in mind that many of the frauds that have come to the attention of our regulating authorities were first discovered and reported to them by the American SEC ?
13 iii Caretaker or lost child : This child takes responsibility for the family and looks after it by gently blending into the background and keeping the peace .
14 In some heating systems the water circulates naturally , ; hot water rising from the boiler and returning to it by force of gravity when it is cooler .
15 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
16 The ombudsman claims that the jurisdiction and duty to investigate conferred and imposed on him by the scheme enables and requires him to investigate and determine complaints in relation to valuations made by employees of a building society of properties to be charged to the building society to secure further advances to an existing borrower from that society .
17 His special preserve was Cwm Idwal , and to be shown round that magnificent place , to have its intimacies and grand structure both explained and revealed to you by this gentle , wise old quarryman was one of life 's great pleasures , to be stored and cherished in memory .
18 The village of Tickton in East Yorkshire is situated on the Beverley to Bridlington road about two and a half miles north-east of Beverley and separated from it by the river Hull .
19 In front of the gate and connected to it by a high causeway was a tall grey watchtower whose summit commanded the approach down the valley .
20 At this point the Bosnian refugee leaped on to the stage on a small wooden horse , designed and built for him by his mother .
21 Robyn coughed violently and wiped at her by now streaming eyes .
22 This book has been written with the objective both of making knowledge gained by research more easily accessible , and of demonstrating how in the course of providing services practitioners can use the knowledge and add to it by their own skill and commitment .
23 Much also depends on the seating positions and whether the pilot is expecting the extra ‘ g ’ and prepares for it by tensing himself up .
24 By the time he had locked off the plane 's controls and opened the door , Ahmed Myeloski was out of the Lada and waiting for him by the side of the executive jet .
25 In the ‘ free chase ’ of Knaresborough , which had been assigned to Queen Isabella for life , they made an unauthorized perambulation and acted upon it by felling trees , planting hedges , and hunting the deer without warrant .
26 Subsequently , such authors as the Brontë sisters , Jane Austen , Oliver Goldsmith , Jonathan Swift and others of great renown were the apparent signatories of letters placed in the care of Mr Singleton and sold by him by way of his bookshop or through the hands of trusted business friends who ran seemingly dowdy or seedy little second-hand enterprises in shops dark and dusty .
27 I remember Lily playing her first solo on a flat-sounding descant recorder made by Dolmetsch and bought for her by her father .
28 Gilligan repeats this problem when she parcels up the unconscious and sexuality in a bundle with carer-infant relations , and deals with it by labelling it ‘ Chodorow ’ .
29 It is rare to find an elderly person 's home that could not be made much more comfortable , convenient and secure for her by a few carefully planned improvements and adaptations .
30 From the shops it was a short visit to the launderette , where his week 's supply of dirty washing had been cleaned , pressed and packed for him by the friendly woman who supervised the place .
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