Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This analysis lifts us above such complications of hedonism as having to measure degrees of pleasure or distinguish the higher from the lower .
2 They then count , but they must not say any number that is a multiple of seven or has a seven in it .
3 Or view the wretched with a melting Eye ,
4 The strength of a well made glued joint in good condition is not increased by nailing or screwing the joint in addition to the glue , On the other hand , all glues need to be tightly clamped while they set and the simplest way to do this is generally to assemble the wet joint with nails or screws ; having once done this , there is no particular benefit in taking the fastenings out afterwards .
5 Send a stamped addressed envelope to or ring the following for further details and a brochure : Edwardiana , Unit 1 , 41 Church Road , Bexleyheath , Kent DA7 4DD or Kiss ‘ n ’ Cuddle , Handels Smithy , High Street , Edgware , Middlesex .
6 There are , the article reveals , scientists who pad a reference list of their publications by publishing almost the same material in several journals , altering the title a bit , dropping a paragraph or adding one , or doing the same with a table or graph .
7 Or turn the basic into a marinara sauce with a tin of clams , mussels or tuna .
8 Ask your hairdresser for advice or try a semi-permanent at home ( see page 169 ) .
9 A question worth asking is whether it will be easier to teach competent makers in the first three categories , in which engineers are well represented , enough about the work of the fourth to understand how a company works , or to teach the fourth about the first three to the same standard .
10 Lastly the best man or the toastmaster reads the telegrams in full if there are only a few , or reads the wittiest in full and then just gives the names of the senders of the others if there are many .
11 I do n't mind Chelsea/West Ham getting a bit of praise as they have managers who appear to be ‘ good lads ’ & making the best of the resourses thay have .
12 It 's almost as though he 's afraid they are going to cheat him out of something , or do the dirty on him . ’
13 So that you 're not think , Oh You 're first thought cos I know the way you you were working , you 're thinking Oh if I just double that , half it or take a third of it or something like that .
14 Chapter 6 deals with those cases where the husband is ordered to convey or transfer his interest in the matrimonial home upon certain terms or settle the same upon certain trusts .
15 Trying artificially to separate politics and management , or treat the former as an illegitimate intrusion , is naive .
16 Arresting or deporting the tens of thousands of Palestinian professionals who would be employed in perfectly apolitical , harmless and humanitarian jobs can only further isolate the Israeli Government .
17 ‘ The petitioners remark that ‘ the Royal Veterinary College of London is the private property of the subscribers thereto who may continue or close the same at their discretion ; that it is only from their desire to advance the veterinary art that they have allowed their institution to be employed as a College of instruction ; and that thereby the veterinary profession in this country owes even its existence to their establishment ’ .
18 Or to make the most of what they had , while they could …
19 reverse it on the back or have the same on the back
20 Asked if moral values have got better , worse , or stayed the same over the past ten years , 82 per cent said they had got worse .
21 One complained in 1802 : " In the factory we can never work the hours we can at home , nor make the best of our time .
22 It subsumes many of our recommendations for literature in our first Report , but does not repeat the list of authors given there nor attempt an equivalent for pupils ages 5 to 16 .
23 Neither teaches the ignorant nor disturbs the orthodox in the right way .
24 Nor do the dozens of other Bible-believing Christians with whom I have discussed the matter .
25 Neither bore much fruit ; nor did a third near Basrah in December .
26 Nothing flatters a post-winter pallor more than soft , skin-friendly pinks — nor makes the most of a summer tan .
27 If the court accepts the creditors ' petition and grants a winding up order the company will come under the control of the Official Receiver ( a civil servant from the Department of Trade and Industry known as the OR ) .
28 and despite my inbuilt irreverence for all sacred stones of all establishment temples , I too had grown up with an aura of awe for the British and all things British , and London was meant to encompass represent and symbolize the best of the best of it all .
29 He was a true friend to sport , and cared no less for the manner in which success was achieved than for success itself .
30 My husband kicked it in the chest and it flew off but returned shgortly after and attacked the smallest of the dogs pinning it against a stile
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