Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mrs Cecil 's departure was preceded by such an entire sinking of her constitution and by an exhaustion tending so much to lethargy that she was seldom able to converse … and it was a peculiar favour to herself and daughters that Mr Simeon and her excellent son were in the house and watched for every reviving moment to pray or converse with her in all holy tenderness , till she ceased to breathe . ’
2 ‘ If you wish to sit up talking with Claudine , however , or walk with her in the moonlight … ’
3 Most of them had seen her at meetings or heard of her in connection with the ICO .
4 To order , please contact Linda Denli on 071 839 9104 or write to her at 25 St James 's Street , London SW1A 1HG .
5 For further information on LCCI Retail awards please contact or write to her at the address below .
6 For further information on these awards contact or write to her at the address below .
7 She embraced her sobbing daughter and clung to her in desperate shame .
8 Her thin denim jacket was sodden and clung to her like a wet tea towel .
9 Marjorie left Lizzie 's body at the vet 's and arranged for her to be cremated .
10 Bob sat up on the bed and gazed at her in astonishment .
11 For a while Elaine was cared for by young volunteers who used to come and stay with her for a few months at a time .
12 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
13 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
14 The face loomed up out of the darkness and leered at her through the rain-soaked glass .
15 The wino leaned and leered at her from behind the cover of the chip man 's mighty stomach .
16 ‘ More like a full metamorphosis , ’ he drawled , leaning back against the huge , craggy trunk of the tree and gazing at her with wicked eyes .
17 and he come and lived with her in it .
18 Shock made her cry out , and he closed the door and moved towards her in quick strides , putting his hand across her mouth to stop-her scream .
19 She kicked out at him as he covered her body with his but he held her tight and rolled with her into the protection of the trees .
20 You may find that she will need to lean on you a little for several months to speak and act for her in matters she can not give her full attention to , because she will be quite rightly absorbed for the time being in grieving , which is mentally and emotionally very hard work indeed .
21 He did his best to ignore it , failed , and reached out to the bedside table where it sat , throwing the receiver off its cradle and returning to her in one graceless motion .
22 He coughed twice before saying , ‘ Yes ? ’ then leaned forward and peered at her as if his sight were bad , then coughed a harsh , chest-tearing cough before asking further , ‘ Yes , what d' you want ? ’
23 Even though hooded by shadow , Blanche sensed Urquhart 's eyes narrow and bore into her like hungry grubs .
24 Then she was giving him her mouth again so that he might swallow the choked cries of pleasure rising from her throat as the frenzy claimed her once more , and a little later she was thrashing against him , pleading hoarsely for his possession , until Luke held her down and sank into her with a harsh groan .
25 She had never visited it before , and looked around her with interest , remembering to go to the kitchen entrance .
26 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
27 Mother needed to be reassured that it would be all right to stop putting a nappy on Susan and to talk to her about doing her ‘ poo ’ in the lavatory .
28 If his guitar is his lover , watch as he beats her , caresses her and apologises to her in one fell swoop of his arms .
29 He would be grateful and loving to her throughout his life .
30 A-Team star George Peppard 's second wife , actress Elizabeth Ashley — whom he met and fell in love with when they made The Carpetbaggers in 1964 — claimed that he assaulted her and came at her with a hot frying pan , an allegation that Peppard has always strongly denied .
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