Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] it the " in BNC.

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1 The rub is the general conviction , based on the man 's record , that the same pragmatism , unencumbered by ideology or ethics , that leads him to sign an agreement one day will lead him to renege or cheat on it the next .
2 First , you time the length of the material to be trimmed at the beginning of the shot , and subtract from it the amount of the backspace ; this shorter length is then the point at which you set the tape early for the edit-in .
3 The kiss was a fierce , stormy possession , making her head swim and bringing with it the realisation that it would take no effort at all to become seriously attracted to this man !
4 However , although these five writers belonged to a minority group in their society , and although they say that their experience derives from a source greater than human reason can comprehend , they are fired with a certainty that it is intimately related to the deepest needs and purposes of human being , and has about it the simple inevitability of fulfilment .
5 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
6 In an ideal world the choice of harmonizing instrument would depend on what was most suitable for the particular project envisaged and carried with it the greatest prospect of successful implementation .
7 It literally , it literally means produce the body only you ca n't simply , well the difference between a constitutional system and er an arbitrary government is that in arbitrary governments people get arrested and disappear , locked up , throw away the key and worry about it the next generation or after the next er military coup or whatever but in a constitutional government there have to be procedures and one of the safeguards of individual liberty is that if you 're ever arrested and detained by law enforcement agencies you have to be produced before a court within a specified period and charged with something .
8 Emptying his mind of everything except an awareness of the Presence of his Creator , Father Kipling enfolded the stem of the monstrance in the ends of his humeral veil , and held it high , and made with it the Sign of the Cross in the air .
9 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
10 Federal Treasurer Paul Keating retained his post and added to it the title of Deputy Prime Minister , thereby increasing speculation that he would succeed Hawke as Prime Minister [ see above ] .
11 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
12 We believe that the right way to deal with that offence is to build on the offence under the Theft Act 1968 — the taking and driving away — and add to it the aggravated offence covered in clause 1 .
13 To counteract that feeling , and while he propped her ‘ injured ’ foot on a stool and attended to her bruising , she opened her bag and extracted from it the envelope with Cara had handed over to her .
14 Satisfied that all is well , DOS will start the program called PRINT , and pass to it the rest of the command you typed ( which is the name of the file you want to print — PENGUIN.TXT ) .
15 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
16 It means making the development of collaboration a priority , and giving to it the same careful thought and planning as is given to other areas of children 's development .
17 The months passed and there came a week when the purple flowers of the heather took over the moorland slopes and brought with it the sense at last of autumn , a time he loved .
18 Hence , as porosity distribution and facies appear to be related , it follows that prediction of potential reservoirs can be made from facies maps , and even if facies interpretations are not available , reservoir prediction can still be done by identifying the zone of maximum thickness on an isopach map and extrapolating from it the distribution of facies and porosity .
19 Through his work as a teacher , he became fond of the race of Men and saw in it the possibility and the threat that in time it might far exceed the declining race of Elves .
20 And when the snow thawed and took with it the paint they had daubed it with , he was out there picking off the remaining flakes of paint , and cursing with disappointment .
21 When the doctor had gone , he opened the top drawer of his desk and took from it the contents of Charlie Hatton 's pockets .
22 He opened the suitcase and took from it the carrier-bag with the Union Jack on it .
23 He passes on the recipe , modified to suit himself , and carrying with it the characteristically deflating note :
24 The piece of stone or the log of wood selected is treated in an elaborate manner in order to divest it of its inert nature and to infuse into it the power to contain the divine image .
25 In the year 1000 Otto III had Charlemagne 's tomb opened and removed from it the gold cross which hung round the neck of the skeleton and the marble throne on which the body had been placed .
26 Cut a new piece of timber , and mark on it the shape of piece required .
27 Not a day went by but she saw Anthony 's face , and superimposed on it the face of Stavros , smirking slightly as he had been in the cemetery .
28 ‘ Another man-witch , who was sentenced to the galleys for life , said that he had such a pity for the horses which the postillion galloped along the road that he did something to prevent it , which was that he took vervain and said over it the Pater Noster five times and the Ave Maria five times , and then put it on the road so that the horses should cease to run . ’
29 Also , in June 1940 the concept of airborne forces was , as far as the British Army was concerned , at its very inception and had about it the fearfulness of the unknown .
30 It is no good going to a dog training club once a week and forgetting about it the rest of the week .
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