Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Goreng had given us two guards — whether to protect us or to stop us getting up to mischief I 'm not sure : maybe both .
2 And to see 'em hanging out upstairs with the spooks in their tennis shorts — God , what a picture .
3 She had sat on the seat cover , resting her head on the porcelain of the washbasin , licking dry lips and bringing her breathing down .
4 It 's what we used to do if we took them off a line and got them cleaning up , it 's a token tow pound ten a day .
5 Critics wrote of the leitmotif for Malvolio that it ‘ captured the colour mus-tard ’ , and that Guérigny was ‘ positively acrobatic in his ability to turn little themes on their heads and send them spinning out of hearing ’ .
6 ‘ That 's the easiest way of getting your firewood — cut the trees at the edge of the forest and send them rolling down to the bottom .
7 I had arrived up at the office one morning to relieve Freda from night duty , and found her sitting up there looking pleased with herself and Jim looking solemn .
8 I called in on Ruth at lunchtime today and found her sitting up in her wheelchair looking out at the garden and seeming much better and as bright as usual — a nice nurse in attendance .
9 At this I quickly joined them at the bottom of a long rickety iron ladder which led into the water ballast tanks and found them hauling out several cases which had been concealed there .
10 Artemis looked up at her father and found him staring down at her with a deep frown , as if to say , Artemis felt , that she should have known .
11 I went on , running where I could , and found him walking back towards me through the dayniter .
12 ‘ Good day to thee , sire , ’ Blind Hugh began , and found himself looking up into a face with four eyes in it .
13 It was in New Zealand , where he stayed for three and a half years , that he first entered the world of Bohemia and found himself getting on best with artists .
14 few would deny that the CMHTs almost immediately ran into problems due to the squeeze on local authority budgets and found themselves scrabbling around for alternative resources ;
15 ‘ We 've all got to share , ’ she said , as they passed through the swing doors and found themselves looking down at the courtyard of the Museum .
16 Gingerly , sweating , I curled my left hand behind my back and felt for the third arrow , and found it sticking out of my jersey though fairly loose in my hand .
17 In the half-light shining in from the hallway , she went to the dormer window to pull the curtains and found herself looking out directly at Harriet 's cottage opposite .
18 Suddenly she came out through the last curtain of trees and found herself looking down over sunlit green meadowland to where a railway line wound like a serpent through a cutting at the foot .
19 So she changed direction again and found herself walking down to the prom and out along the beach to Seal Sands Lock .
20 The leading child came on slightly earlier than usual , caught her rope on one of the tassels and found herself going up .
21 She caught his eye and found herself smiling up at him .
22 He removed it quite gently and drew her stocking off .
23 It is hard sometimes to look at an old person sitting passively in a chair and imagine them running around , bringing up babies , managing an office , driving a lorry , getting into trouble with the law , being a pillar of the local community , fighting a war .
24 ‘ Get there first , ’ Woolley said , ‘ and catch them coming up .
25 The problem in cultivating horseradish is not so much how to make it grow well , as to curb its enthusiasm and stop it taking over the garden .
26 Your friends , your parents , your school , your peers , they all try and stop you going out into left field .
27 Doreen had walked out into the dark hall suddenly , and seen him walking back up the passage away from the kitchen door .
28 Her denials were useless because he said he had returned to Kington Square early that morning and seen her coming out of the flat arm in arm with a man .
29 So far I have described deixis as a closed set of items functioning within certain contexts , and seen it functioning along a cline of possible operations .
30 To see her at work during the day , with her hair pulled straight back and no makeup on , and to hear her ticking off her girls if they were slacking , you would n't dream it was the same girl who was out dancing with a different partner every night .
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