Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Chetnik paid the rates not appreciating that by virtue of paragraph 2 of Schedule 1 to the Act rates were not payable on any unoccupied hereditament for any period during which the owner was prohibited by law from occupying the hereditament or allowing it to be occupied .
2 Champion of the underdog and believer in the nobility of the common man , he lost no opportunity to teach his daughter the importance of never giving in or allowing herself to be beaten by lack of courage .
3 Many may have discovered that the trouble-free lifestyle they had planned has turned out to be a good bit less well-regulated and tidy than they had expected or intended it to be .
4 Yes , but can that just be the income , or has it to be the whole capital ?
5 If the changes in connectivity which form the memory are localized to a particular small set of cells and their connections within the brain , rather than being widely diffused , then removal of the set of cells should also remove the memory — or prevent it from being formed .
6 Of course , we may call our doubt ‘ total doubt ’ or charge it with being unbelief , but only if our purpose is to stop doubt short and see that it does not become unbelief .
7 Conversely , it is thought that some employers will leap at the chance of employing enrolled nurses knowing or believing them to be a cheaper alternative in terms of pay .
8 Section 22(1) of the Theft Act 1968 stipulates : [ a ] person handles stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods , or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention , removal , disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person , or if he arranges to do so .
9 It must be proved that the accused handled the goods " knowing or believing them to be stolen goods " and that he acted dishonestly .
10 Clause 172 is also redrafted to clarify the law and reads : [ a ] person is guilty of handling stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods , he dishonestly —
11 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
12 ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or
13 Then everything was movement , sensation , and she could no longer laugh or speak or do anything but be carried along by a force greater than anything she had ever known before , a force that took them to the heavens to touch the stars that had already decided their destiny .
14 You do n't fight the sea by getting angry with it , or persuade it to be kinder by loving it . ’
15 But before she could finish his mouth had covered hers and she had no time to analyse the consequences or curse herself for being so weak .
16 By the time we arrive on tip-toe to the spot , whatever it was has either gone or revealed itself to be a log .
17 ( 2 ) An instrument shall not be a deed unless — ( a ) it makes it clear on its face that it is intended to be a deed by the person making it , or , as the case may be , by the parties to it ( whether by describing itself as a deed or expressing itself to be executed or signed as a deed or otherwise ) ; and ( b ) it is validly executed as a deed by that person or , as the case may be , one or more of those parties .
18 It is the people , the parliament actually , because the Emir when he proposes a cabinet the parliament can accept the cabinet , or change , or request it to be changed and even the Prime Minister , which is proposed or nominated by the Emir , the cabinet has to approve him , and together they they run the business of the government .
19 The second half of section 12(1) deals with persons who knowing that a conveyance has been taken without authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
20 Section 12(1) states : … a person shall be guilty of an offence if , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority , he takes any conveyance for his own or another 's use or knowing that any conveyance has been taken without such authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
21 ‘ I should never have brought up Estella like that , or allowed you to be hurt ! ’
22 If the judge or district judge is satisfied that any proceedings can be more conveniently or fairly dealt with in some other court , he may order the action or matter itself to be transferred to that court ( Ord 16 , r 1 ) .
23 This particular breach … conducting the premises , or permitting them to be conducted , as a house of ill-fame … is one which in my judgment was not remedied by merely stopping the user .
24 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
25 An act carried out by a partner in the usual course of the business of the firm will be binding on the firm notwithstanding that the partner concerned lacked the necessary authority unless the third party knew of the limitation to that partner 's authority or did not know or believe him to be a partner .
26 This means that it will be impossible to grow it as part of the decoration , or to expect it to be self-sustaining .
27 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
28 The claim failed when the EAT held that neither the derecognition of an established trade union , nor the disadvantages for employees resulting from that derecognition , was action taken against Mr Wilson ‘ as an individual ’ for the purpose of penalising him or deterring him from being a union member .
29 For it turned out that Pound 's poetry — The Cantos certainly but much of the earlier work also — could be understood and enjoyed only by those who had attended to Pound s criticism enough to grasp what it was that Pound was trying to do , or conceived himself to be doing , in his poetry .
30 They would not back the union in a political fight with the company , or allow themselves to be used by Clasper in a power struggle between the convener and management .
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