Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pron] [noun] up " in BNC.

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1 Should he tax the Hungarian with it next time they met , or keep his knowledge up his sleeve ?
2 If possible , try to relax , lie down or put your feet up , until the worst of the symptoms are over .
3 ‘ Or stop looking and make their minds up they 're better off single , ’ said Preston 's , who thought monogamy had its drawbacks , too .
4 I mean I do it sort of a bit naturally , I mean if you , you know that what , the Delvine Hotel , I mean I sort of went in and I du n no sort of part way in I sort of said can I ask you if , you know , you 've had your other quotes and he sort of said yes we 're gon na sit down tonight and make our minds up
5 As you approach St Catherine 's Point and make your way up towards the Needles you 'll fully appreciate the true beauty of this much lonelier west and south section .
6 The tour set for twelve to eighteen months starting in summer 1993 and sales of a catalogue with colour reproductions of Barnes works , are expected to bring in funds for renovating the foundation 's gallery building and bringing its operations up to modern standards .
7 Go and pick them shoes up and then go to .
8 Go and pick your dice up .
9 One , keen to express himself through hard work , sees that his only choice is to ‘ better myself and pick my life up .
10 She stands up and rubs her body up against me , stroking my still mostly limp cock .
11 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
12 Taking the plate gently from him she placed it in the sink , then checked the turkey one last time , turned the gas down as low as it would go and made her way up to bed .
13 Talbot stepped across the two gunwales — they were almost exactly of a height — and made his way up to the bridge .
14 We gathered my scattered things together and made our way up to Claro leaving dribbles of wet in our wake .
15 We landed at East Watergate and made our way up into Knight Rider Street .
16 We disembarked and made our way up a gravel path , through the gatehouse and into the guest room .
17 We hid our disgust and made our way up to the main door where the ever-benevolent Doctor Agrippa was waiting for us .
18 So it was a case there , and course at the end of the day you rolled the little roll up , put elastic round and stood them up in a file and they stood there like little soldiers and you could always go back to the actual time , sometimes you found a man had n't re erm signed on , he 'd just gone and joined his bus up in town centre , well you , that was er subject of another letter .
19 And he he 's always the first one that 'll eat up his dinner and got his hand up ready for seconds !
20 She put the hairbrush down and began to pull hideous faces in the glass , pulling the corners of her eyes down with her forefingers and squashing her nose up with her thumbs so that she looked like an insane pug dog .
21 It had stopped munching away in its stall , pricked up its ears and jerked its head up and down at the powerful voice of the world-famous soprano .
22 He reached down and grabbed her hair and snatched her head up .
23 I go and top my glass up .
24 With a smooth swoop , he caught hold of both her hands and drew her arms up above her head , holding them on the pillows behind her , sliding his free hand beneath her hips , lifting her with one strong , determined movement to meet the invading male power of his body .
25 Jackson put the phone down , swung round on to the bed and drew his feet up until he was sitting cross-legged .
26 He felt weak and drew his knees up to his chest to contain his body warmth .
27 The Doctor sat on one of the medlab 's empty diagnostic beds , and drew his legs up into the lotus position .
28 I laughed and thrashed my hand up and down on the arm of my chair in an ecstasy of amusement .
29 They would never stay in my bedroom very long , but you can imagine my excitement each lunchtime as I watched them arrive in the garden , enter the house and quack their way up to me , as regular as clockwork .
30 Ngo Van Dong stumbled to his feet and helped his brother up quickly at the approach of the squat figure of Phat , the overseer of their barrack .
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