Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [prep] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 The chair , wheelchair or commode onto which the patient is transferring is placed on one side of the carer , sideways on to the bed .
2 It is the holder of prepared fleece or flax from which the spinner draws out strands .
3 They will make judgements as to the quality of the work , basing their opinion upon what is actually published , and the author 's reputation may be made or broken by what the critics say .
4 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
5 The ‘ stope ’ , or place from which the rock is dug , becomes , at the end of the operation , just a cavity in the rockface , at which point it becomes a ‘ gunnis ’ .
6 In the present case , the immediate proceeding in which the order was made was not the cause or matter to which the section refers .
7 However , a good deal of discretion is left in the hands of the Area Director to determine the merits of the application , having considered ‘ … all questions of fact or law arising out of the action , cause or matter to which the application relates and the circumstances in which it was made . ’
8 In open savannah , gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts from which the daily dispersal occurs .
9 The dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen are commonly bordered by a narrow rim or postocciput with which the neck membrane is directly continuous .
10 In the absence of an express obligation , the landlord will have no duty to keep in repair any pipe or drain through which the tenant discharges soil or water , even if the pipe or drain is retained in the possession of the landlord ( Westminster ( Duke ) v Guild [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 144 ) .
11 This may cause difficulty where the audience were annoyed or distressed by what the defendant was doing .
12 ( 2 ) Serious litigation or disputes in which the target is involved and which could have a serious effect on the business should be considered .
13 It gave me a few minutes to stop and think about what the hell I was doing .
14 All the Brownies were invited to go home and think about what the Pack could do for the fete and bring their ideas and suggestions along to the next Pack Meeting .
15 Opposing forces in the dispute over the bill claimed victory , accused each other of capitulation and disagreed over what the compromise meant .
16 The education and training of Health Care workers should include at least the possibility of working in partnership with people rather than for people , so that the experience of unlearning , deroling and relearning through which the family development nurses had to go in order to work effectively in this way with people , can be avoided .
17 The notice given should be reasonable , and the date , time and place at which the applicant 's attendance is required should be specified , with a reference to the relevant section of the Act , viz. 5.15 .
18 When the revolutions of 1989 brought down the eastern bloc dictatorships , they swept away the façade of historical half-truths , distortions and lies on which the ruling élites grounded their legitimacy .
19 In this movement , Hegel saw the very rhythm of reality itself , both as a whole and in every part , and also the dynamics of knowledge and understanding by which the initial gulf between subject and object is bridged in genuine synthesis , the act of cognition .
20 The tone of the debate was set by Home Secretary William Whitelaw 's introductory statement in which he spoke of ( a ) the need to ‘ remove the scourge of criminal violence from our streets ’ , and ( b ) the urgency of developing ‘ policies designed to promote the mutual tolerance and understanding upon which the whole future of a free democratic society depends ’ ( Hansard , vol. 8 , 16 July 1981 : col. 1405 ) .
21 The campaign to achieve a healthy teeange nation calls on more guidance for teachers and parents to recognise the trouble signs and listen to what the teenagers say .
22 Here 's what I did : just at the moment the tears were about to gush out over the waterproof liner , taking the soft lenses in a Niagara-like descent towards the jawbone , I looked at a poster or a newspaper and thought about what the words meant .
23 While the organism remains filled with the life force , it can counter the disintegration and decay to which the non-living world is subject .
24 Pollution and the removal of riverside hedges have played their part ; but above all , dredging and drainage have ironed out the varied bed conditions of gravel and silt to which the larvae of these and many other insects were so minutely adapted .
25 Frequently the transition is managed with a back and forth movement , a re-meeting and re-parting by which the slow process of building separate lives is accomplished .
26 Worst of all , seamen rapidly came to the conclusion that the service and suffering to which the union had committed them in the name of Britain and the Empire did not extend to the shipowners , and especially not to those who were fortunate enough to escape requisitioning of their vessels by the government .
27 Duncan sat back , shut his eyes and went over what the policeman had said .
28 The Stathern map of 1792 shows the same planning of new roads in more or less straight lines and judging by what the Ordnance map shows in other parts of the Midlands and eastern England the same thing happened fairly generally .
29 Wid ye jist take a keek oot o' that windae and lukk at whit the silly bitch is daein' noo !
30 What was the mischief and defect for which the common law did not provide ?
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