Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
2 Professionals have a choice between imposing ‘ appropriate ’ needs on their clients or attempting to break down the latters ' 'dein-dividualisation' ( e.g. as an unemployed person , as a schizophrenic etc. ) and assisting ‘ real ’ needs to be collectively voiced .
3 Do not be aggressive or start laying down the law about your rights .
4 In the first year of the war Havelock Wilson repeatedly stressed the cooperation which had existed between the German merchant marine and the NSFU , cast doubt on stories of German atrocities and sought to play down the extremes of anti-German hysteria which had broken out .
5 She ran from him , nightmare panic making her breathing and heartbeat echo down the long tree-lined path until she saw the moon shining through a stained-glass window of the garden of Eden .
6 He stopped trembling as quickly as he had begun a moment before and seemed to withdraw down the dark passage to the daydream he was locked in when they first arrived .
7 The huge man whose belly flowed over his belt and seemed to cascade down the front of his trousers pointed with the cane .
8 Sawney raised his claymore in both hands and prepared to bring down the hilt .
9 As they reached the corner of Woodbine Close , Dudley Ford emerged from his front door and came striding down the garden path with Sinbad snuffling at his heels .
10 She believes we must all recognise and come to terms with our own ageism and seek to break down the barriers to understanding .
11 ‘ The fire has been lit and allowed to die down a couple of times — and I once smelt the stuff . ’
12 In a little while the Wheel would be set alight , released from its cradle and allowed to trundle down the slope , gathering momentum .
13 Later that afternoon , there was an inspection of the course , and while sideslipping down behind Mueller I was amazed to seen him remove his skis and begin walking down the course , an activity known as ‘ bootpacking ’ .
14 The rioters killed many deer , and threatened to pull down the palings of the park , so that the Earl of Holland , as Chief Justice of the Forest , obtained authority for the sheriff of Berkshire to raise the power of the county to apprehend the rioters .
15 The yellow dog barked excitedly and shook himself ; he shoved his nose into his dish and began gulping down the food in huge , hungry bites .
16 These rapidly accumulated round the fissure , building up into a conical heap , and then , as more and more new material emerged from the fissures , lava flows were erupted and began to stream down the ski-slopes .
17 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
18 Chola and Mina set out for the fields to continue the millet harvest , and Kalchu fetched the flat wooden spade and began beating down the mud to repair the leaking roof .
19 We crash to the ground and roll fighting down the slope .
20 It will be open on Thursday from 10am-4pm and aims to break down the family , work and leisure isolation problems of people with hearing difficulties .
21 These matters should be sorted out before assuming that the conversation is impossible , and starting to write down the information one wants to communicate .
22 It says that recent years have seen a transformation in Britain 's manufacturing base , and it condemns those who do not recognise it and continue to run down the achievements of British industry .
23 The punt tipped over and started to clatter down the rollers the other side .
24 It means that you do n't get the good views of the Cove until you 've reached Malham Beck , but I think that it 's better doing the walk this way round than going at it clockwise and having to clamber down the scar .
25 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
26 She touched Midnight 's shoulder and said in his ear : ‘ I 'll not desert thee , ’ then stood up and went to climb down the ladder .
27 She shrugged and stared unspeaking down the loch , and wished again that he would go away .
28 Do you know she had the sauce to pick up my socks and start smoothing down the eiderdown . ’
29 Frankly I think from our colleagues in the conservative party should n't really be wasting our time here with these silly motions , erm what 's needed is if you 're gon na improve the housing situation in the city and in the country as a whole , we need to be allowed to use our capital receipts , all the ones we 've piled up , and we need to also inject money into the national economy to build new homes and incidentally to get the economy moving again and start bringing down the level of unemployment .
30 Suddenly they met burnt chip contamination and had to shut down the production line , a major anxiety as they were producing to a tight schedule in a ‘ Just in time ’ situation .
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