Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the old tradition of pilgrimage , peregrinatio , spawned or became united to the new kind of military adventure we call the crusade ; and the resources of the roads and waterways of Europe and the Near East were strained to the uttermost to meet the insatiable demands of these adventurous travellers .
2 Either he could wait until the pod splashed down at which point it would start to sink , and if the water was deep enough and he had difficulty in escaping from the safety envelope , or became entangled with the chute , he might drown before he was able to struggle to the surface — or else he could blow the hatch prior to landing , risking being either injured or knocked unconscious during an unprotected impact .
3 Few ever recovered their status in society , he said , or got rid of the bad habits they contracted while there .
4 The threshold time is therefore automatically raised or lowered to compensate for the reader being swept too slowly or too quickly .
5 I mean what , what psychological characteristics would make one person more groupie than another or more needing or wanting or enjoying belonging to a group than another ?
6 The democratic aspiration in its classical form is doomed — an outcome which is viewed with either glee or regret according to the political orientation of the theorists concerned .
7 53 ( 1 ) ( c ) [ A ] disposition of an equitable interest or trust subsisting at the time of the disposition , must be in writing signed by the person disposing of the same , or by his agent thereunto lawfully authorised in writing or by will .
8 Television is a very evangelical medium and I do not think the Church of England can afford to or wants to compete with the evangelical churches .
9 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
10 There is not point arranging to play squash if you dislike the game , or vowing to go for a jog each day , if you hate running .
11 Table 2 provides a possible scheme for staging living embryos , although the criteria used may have to be refined or modified according to the nature of the experiment .
12 The degree of intestinal metaplasia was classified as absent , incomplete , complete or mixed according to the criteria of Filipe and Jass .
13 More than half of the children were ignored whatever they did — whether they cried , played or tried to talk to the adult .
14 Marshal Piłsudski ordered the Polish destroyer Wicher to greet , salute and escort the British as if the Accord were still in effect , and Tadeusz Morgenstern , the commander of the destroyer , was instructed that if the Danzig authorities insulted the Polish flag or tried to interfere with the visit in any way , he was to bombard designated targets in the city centre .
15 However , Brahim Ghali , a member of the Polisario Executive Committee , had stated in an interview given to the Madrid newspaper El País of Oct. 22 , 1990 , that if the Moroccan government decided not to agree to the holding of the referendum , or tried to interfere in the running of it , then the armed struggle would be renewed on all fronts .
16 In bibliographic databases , it is important to consider whether pupils will want or need to search for a particular author , a particular location or a particular format such as " book " or " video " .
17 For example , the recent articles on minor surgery in general practice could be circulated to those on or applying to go on the minor surgery list .
18 a standard Anglepoise lamp er which it 's been going for a number of years , you can get it in about six different colours to match different designs of , er put colour into your room , now if somebody was spending a lot of time sitting knitting and has to look at the knitting or has to look at the pattern then er a good strong light which wo n't get in their eyes but goes straight on to what , whatever they 're doing , is by far the best thing for them , er but they say oh I do n't like it , it 's a bit angular is n't it , erm , modern sort of thing , er but because it 's angular it does n't mean to say it 's not gon na fit into the room it 's the right thing for it , er for the person doing that work .
19 Our eyes seek out the inhabitants fleeing distracted , or returning to look for the dead .
20 The following description of Consideration was given by the Exchequer Chamber in 1875 : ‘ A valuable consideration , in the sense of the law , may consist either in some right , interest , profit , or benefit accruing to the one party , or some forbearance , detriment , loss , or responsibility , given , suffered , or undertaken by the other ’ : Currie v. Misa ( 1875 ) L.R. 10 Ex. at 162 .
21 A cup of tea , or similar , is always a good relaxing agent , always to be offered or accepted depending on the venue .
22 I do n't know about you , but that comment , which was surely not a carefully considered one , rings truer than any homily on the state of matrimony I 've heard on Oprah or seen embroidered on a sampler .
23 An animal does indeed strive instinctively to keep alive , much as it will forage for food ( plants in unconscious and less mobile ways do also ) , but , lacking language , it is unduly anthropomorphic to describe this as hoping or aspiring to live to a ripe old age ; except perhaps as a joke .
24 A logical consequence occurs when the parent intervenes and ( in the example above ) removes the toy while indicating that the child has ‘ chosen ’ or decided to play without the toy for a specified period of time because of his or her actions ( it is a form of response-cost ) .
25 Likewise , bergamot and geranium can either sedate or stimulate according to the needs of the individual — a phenomenon totally alien to a synthetic or chemical drug .
26 Other areas of concern for women working or wanting to work outside the home were identified .
27 To ask the Minister for the Arts what support he gives or plans to give to the design museum .
28 He often stopped reading or writing to stare into the distance , dreaming perhaps of some ambitious plan .
29 All information held by or reasonably available to you regarding any potential hazards known or believed to exist in the transport handling or use of the goods supplied shall be promptly communicated to us prior to delivery .
30 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
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