Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they are satisfied with what they have produced they are asked to bring the image to life — for a very short time , perhaps as little as ten seconds — and/or say one line of dialogue each .
2 He may well run a car repair business or sell cheap jewellery on the side , in which case his dealing will lack single-mindedness .
3 Improv for Windows also offers unparalleled flexibility to : * Create multiple views of the same worksheet , * Expand summarised data to show detail , and * Hide or display any part of a worksheet for greater clarity .
4 The industry used local resources ; charcoal and other articles were made from wood ; iron and silver ores were processed and fashioned ; and flax , hemp and wool were spun and woven into clothing , the Italian Chimney sweeps came to symbolize the migration at its most miserable , but other persons repaired watches or became itinerant vendors of fabric , haberdashery , and other items .
5 The threats to children to silence colleagues who , far braver than he had ever been , asked the uncomfortable question , or asked any question at all .
6 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who manufactures , imports or supplies any substance for use at work —
7 A person who manufactures , imports or supplies any substance for use at work must ensure that , so far as is reasonably practicable , it is safe and without risk to health ; there are requirements for testing , examination and research .
8 ‘ It shall be the duty of any person who designs , manufacturers , imports or supplies any article for use at work —
9 Basically , he must be endowed with or develop certain characteristics of character .
10 Flowers and leaves , being natural materials , have a mind of their own and regardless of how carefully you follow my instructions on how to press , some of the petals will decide to bend before the press is shut , or develop brown patches for no reason at all .
11 Most current procedures for recording the electrical activity of the brain , or producing radiographic images of the living human brain , or investigating the accuracy and timing of behaviour are dependent on computing capacity which was not available twenty years ago .
12 The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches .
13 7.3 Termination under this Clause shall be without prejudice to the fulfilment of purchase orders wholly or partially outstanding at the date of such termination , and likewise shall not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which shall have accrued or shall accrue thereafter under this Agreement to either party .
14 Under the first three Edwards when the government was located in York in order to conduct the war against the Scots — or to evade political constraints at Westminster — the archbishop of York 's household became an important source of royal clerks , especially during Melton 's tenure of the see ( 1316–40 ) ; these Yorkshire clerks dominated the chancery of Edward II and were also influential in the exchequer and wardrobe .
15 This will lead to even greater problems when there are errors in scoring or labelling some portion of the lattice .
16 If everybody else is bankrolling Australian entrepreneurs , or expanding expensively into the US , or financing umpteen deals with untold debt , that 's a very good reason for doing something completely different .
17 By removing the present focus of much community activity and co-operation , school closure will reduce or eliminate such activities in the future and thus destroy the community itself .
18 Whenever you want to show a trend , analyse large amounts of data or highlight statistical information in a report , then graphs and charts are the ideal means of presentation .
19 The secretary of each level of the party had quasi-absolute power over the members below him , and Elena had a double advantage : not only was she the Party secretary able to veto or grant small privileges for her colleagues , her husband was much of the time the Second Secretary in the Party at large , controlling the day-to-day business of the Romanian Communists under Dej 's supervision .
20 A similar view appears to be taken by Lord Fraser of Tullybelton in the Rank case [ 1982 ] A.C. 380 , 446D ’ — where he said : ‘ A restriction by the court making the order would , no doubt , be effective to bind the party who obtained the order … ’ — ‘ ( d ) Since the decision of the House of Lords in Attorney-General v. Times Newspapers Ltd. [ 1991 ] 1 A.C. 191 it is to be taken as settled law that it is a contempt of court , as constituting an interference with the course of justice , for anyone , whether a party to the action or not , knowingly to thwart or subvert that purpose of an order of the court .
21 Can you raise income to cover costs ? eg by publications or allowing outside participants on courses .
22 Danny Kelly , writing in the NME , said experiencing Gedge 's songs was like ‘ overhearing one side of a telephone conversation or catching edited highlights of an argument . ’
23 Oh , I suppose I could have written off and got a new length of rubber , or got old Cameron in the ironmonger 's shop to find me something , but it would never feel right again .
24 I let myself into our corridor , soundlessly , and crept down the back stairs and out of the back door without hearing or seeing any member of the Home staff .
25 Storm/Dba allows management information system ( MIS ) department staff to create or modify all parts of the database schema from a graphical environment .
26 Although firms may use a variety of contractual and structural techniques to try to deal with these problems , the uncertainty surrounding the extent to which it is possible to exclude or modify fiduciary obligations by contract or disclosure and consent , and as to the extent to which the use of Chinese walls provides protection as a matter of private law against allegations of breach of fiduciary duty , means that these techniques can not be relied upon exclusively .
27 The need to maintain or enhance public enjoyment of lochs , rivers and reservoirs .
28 New drugs and agrochemicals are often developed by direct modification of an existing compound to mimic or enhance some aspects of its biological behaviour .
29 It is ethyl acetate and isopropanol , not their systematic equivalents , that are still used in coating or laminating flexible webs for numerous industrial applications .
30 Kissing or touching another man in a sexual way or even just going out for a drink without telling a partner is regarded by most as being unfaithful .
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