Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Please describe in your own words , how you reached your decisions ( i.e. what strategy or strategies did you use ? )
2 Not by the slightest word or look did she betray to Miss Miggs that she knew she could n't read .
3 As he wrote years later in his long unpublished memoirs , ‘ hazard or Providence made me knock on the door of the Hôtel Terminus of the Gare du Nord . ’
4 Er and when you saw the figure or figures did you say anything then ?
5 To neither Pound nor Yeats did it seem that Virgil had much or anything to say about this matter which so preoccupied them .
6 I have seen my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford being poisonous or venomous , but neither poison nor venom did I detect when he raised a fair , sensible and extremely important matter that needs to be debated frankly and fully on the Floor of the House without the sort of ignorant , absurd and childish platitudes that we have so recently heard .
7 At a speed that neither could match Louisa and Horrocks saw him hasten back down the lake .
8 The mestizo lost his footing , and Trent heard him slide , swearing .
9 The last time I saw her was when Benedict Joseph shoved her into his car outside the Villa Fiesole , and Philippe made me go with him to Nice . ’
10 He was half turned towards her , and Maria saw him lift a hand and watched it move towards her , coming to rest against her bare midriff , warm fingers shaping themselves lightly to its gentle curve .
11 All day and then he got all to do at lunch time yeah they kept it up all the day , they had separate play time , they had had to eat their lunch in the class room all they were allowed was a piece of fruit , a bread and water and they all had to have , you know , they had a bread roll supplied by the school an a an apple I think And Jan made them write out their names and some of them could n't write their name !
12 Patrick climbed out first and them helped Jane down ; Collins was the last man out , and Patrick heard him murmur to the driver , " Around the block the long way , only stop if you see us on the street . "
13 Lunch was set on the terrace , as he 'd promised , and Luce let him draw out a chair for her .
14 Nevertheless , Dame Agatha 's advice was wise and Corbett felt his temper cool .
15 The clear autumn day drew to a close and Corbett made them rest their horses for a while .
16 ‘ Your cousin at home , is he , Angharad ? ’ he asked mildly and Hari felt herself grow tense .
17 And Bobby did you see Moira last night ?
18 What particular cities and districts did he visit ?
19 But , for one thing , the sheer size of the defeat made him and his players determined that it would never happen again and , for another , the power of Lillee and Thomson made him realize just what a potent weapon a battery of fast bowlers would be .
20 Felipe stopped again and Maggie made herself look , the weakness of sheer relief flooding through her .
21 The others were already mounted and Maggie felt herself begin to tremble as Felipe came up and prepared to help her .
22 Presently he reached out a hand and touched her forehead , and Ruth felt something enter her — not comfort , not relief , but a sense of light : clear shining spaces which pain could inhabit but not overwhelm .
23 He was silent , and Ruth felt him shiver with the memory .
24 Slash did his bit in two takes and Ozzy did his stuff in three . ’
25 Tall , lazily handsome , and boy did he know it !
26 But only a small group of teachers and parents saw it get underway .
27 Only when he saw others smiling and laughing did he give the little barks .
28 A miasma of despair rose from the cluster of black Workshops and Fenella felt it billow out and engulf them in its sick , cold desolation .
29 How many hours of project work and revision did he put in ? — I can tell you — none .
30 But he did not engage the jackdaws and Hazel saw him pick up another carrot and start back with it .
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