Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] could [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd have given his place to Fat Frank , but if he 's off to , then maybe Whelan or Forrester could get the starting nod .
2 ‘ was not clean and in good working order ’ This point means among other things that the lamps in question must be kept clean as mud or snow could hide the light .
3 But a bit of added hydrogen or oxygen could tip the balance .
4 To disclose whether or not a warrant has been issued in a particular case could establish means whereby those involved in serious crimes or espionage or subversion could learn the extent to which their activities had come to notice or — perhaps more damaging — could in some cases confirm whether their activities had come to notice at all .
5 ‘ No man , or woman could read the future so clearly .
6 In fact , by making the assumption that the needle-like fibrils were capable of deforming affinely , Arridge & Barham could explain the change of Young 's modulus with draw ratio as a result of the greater reinforcing efficiency of the fibrils as they became longer and thinner .
7 They should become purchasing bodies , buying services from whatever hospital or unit could give the best deal .
8 Neither Belfast or Dublin could confirm the reports but FIFA are discussing the problem today and a statement is expected tomorrow .
9 Of the less well known Indian appointments , a place in the Indian Marine also attracted a number of Scots even though it was based at unpopular Bombay , for it was a service which promoted by seniority , and death from wounds or disease could allow the rapid elevation of a healthy midshipman to a position of command .
10 But builders fear neither the Tories nor Labour could find the money for the much bigger public works pro gramme needed to get construction moving .
11 Neither philanthropists nor speculators could solve the problem of the very poor ; there were too few philanthropists , and no speculator could make housing for the poorest pay .
12 The man straightened slightly and Lisa could sense the tautening of powerful muscles across his broad shoulders .
13 A small shield bearing the Presidential arms was stencilled on the vehicle 's front door and Trent could see the silver pennant staff on the bonnet .
14 His feet were now stuck out in front of him and Nenna could read the word EXCELLA on the soles of each of his new shoes .
15 The car approached them and Kelly could see the two men talking animatedly .
16 A BAG of muddied human bones and hair could hold the key to one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th Century , it was revealed yesterday .
17 If the air force chiefs could guarantee a quick kill and low casualties , both president and Pentagon could avoid the ‘ Vietnam nightmare ’ , losing public support in a long drawn-out struggle far from home .
18 He pointed back to the office block , and Cardiff could see the indistinct blurs of the other faces in reception , looking out .
19 Like all great bureaucratic organizations , inertia and conservatism could sap the genuine pursuit of the original ideals .
20 And as none but Hercules was fitted to conquer the one , so nothing less than extraordinary prudence , courage , labour and patience could overcome the other .
21 Yes , it was possible , and where head and shoulders could go the rest should present no difficulty .
22 For Spengler , this historical progression was a deterministic feature of all cultures , although heroic actions of individuals and peoples could delay the inevitable sequence of the next phase of development .
23 When Nenna told them that she had urgent business on the other side of London and that she would have to ask whether Martha and Tilda could stay the night , Rochester accepted without protest , and they went over , taking with them their nightdresses , Cliff records , the Cliff photograph and two packets of breakfast cereals , for they did not like the same kind .
24 Thus , with the kids occupied , the local Mums and Dads could enjoy the local brew in the shade of the old tree and listen to the singer .
25 Future changes in legislation , tax levels and practice could affect the details contained in these product particulars .
26 The big bay three quarterbred was being driven hard into Artemis 's lightly framed thoroughbred , and Artemis could feel the distress signals through her hands and seat as the horse shortened its stride in a desperate attempt to find a way out .
27 No French composer in the generation after Fevin and Brumel could disguise the secular flavour of his church music and sometimes Sermisy shows the cloven hoof of the chanson writer , but generally his Masses and motets are more ‘ Netherlandish ’ .
28 ‘ Bert and Edna could stop the Saturday night at Four Winds , if you like , ’ Mrs Rafferty went on .
29 Pondering on her invitation , suddenly the idea came to me that my collection of quotations and prayers could form the basis of a helpful book , and in a short time an anthology took shape under the title of Journey for a Soul .
30 Dad and Eva could discuss the most trivial things , like the nature of the people Dad met on the train , for hours , until I had to shout at them , ‘ What the fuck are you talking about ! ’
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