Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [modal v] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If the rule contemplates a particularly serious form of misconduct , mere fault or negligence may not be enough to ground a breach .
2 Sweetcorn , chickpeas or maples may well be the going bait and it could then be an advantage to fish a couple of very large jumbo tiger nuts of half a brazil nut over the top of the baited area .
3 A general waiver has been granted by the Council to permit the establishment of staff bonus schemes which make payments to employees calculated by reference to the gross fee income or net profits of the firm ; which are open to all employees subject only to a short ( maximum three years ) qualifying period ; where the basis of distribution ( length of service , proportionate to salary etc ) is disclosed to the staff , but where the actual level of profits or income need not be so disclosed ; and where no distribution is permitted which is related to the introduction of business .
4 Section 5(1) of UCTA 1977 states : 5- ( 1 ) In the case of goods of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption , where loss or damage ( a ) arises from the goods proving defective while in consumer use ; and ( b ) results from the negligence of a person concerned in the manufacture or distribution of the goods , liability for the loss or damage can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term or notice contained in or operating by reference to a guarantee of the goods .
5 There may be an exception if the event causing the injury or damage could only be reasonably explained by assuming there had been negligence .
6 The stated goals of actors or groups can not be accepted at face value since such statements may be the simple camouflage of more sinister or at least less acceptable policy goals .
7 For he suggests that parliamentary democracy is an egalitarian way of deciding certain policy issues , such as what the criminal laws of a community should be ( Dworkin , 1978a , p. 258 ) , and elsewhere , in respect of a more restricted class of ( moral ) policy issues , he has this to say : ‘ Under certain circumstances that issue should be left to democratic institutions to decide , not because a legislature or parliament will necessarily be correct , but because that is a fair way , in these circumstances , to decide moral issues about which reasonable and fair people disagree ’ ( Dworkin , 1981 , p. 208 ) .
8 But if wheat prices fluctuate more widely than house prices , an investor who had no particular interest in either wheat or houses would not be indifferent between them .
9 Complaints about government appointments or policies could only be met by Law with the barren reply that the party could not expect total control and that in coalition such things must happen — which is just what the critics were saying too .
10 Any breakdown or weakness would initially be reported by the directors , and care will be needed to decide what constitutes a ‘ significant ’ one .
11 His brothers seemed rather unimaginative and narrow-minded , although they were both well educated : they felt that anybody outside the Church or university could not be respected .
12 A parent or grandparent who has sexual contact with a child or grandchild may well be guilty of one of the offences already considered — rape , if there is sexual intercourse without consent ; indecent assault , if there is sexual contact with a child under 16 ; and even gross indecency with or towards a child , if the child is under 14 .
13 The " body " of a procedure or function must not be executed directly — it must be performed ( called ) by another part of the program .
14 Yoga or meditation may also be helpful in learning to relax .
15 A spare pair of stockings or tights should always be handy as nothing looks so unattractive as laddered tights .
16 Loopholes , omissions or ambiguities should not be exploited to gain an advantage incompatible with the effective control of risk .
17 Some of this criticism is based on the fear that Western interests might be endangered : access to the country and its resources might be restricted or journalists might not be allowed to operate freely but be directed in their work .
18 A partnership between a large public-spirited company like Pilkington 's or ICI and a school or college would not be replicated in an area in which there are no large companies at all .
19 The stock room or warehouse should not be damp , or very hot/cold ; it should be kept clean and tidy ( dusty packets and rusty tins are not saleable ) .
20 If people are working in groups , anyone who spends too long recording or drawing will either be hurried up by the others or excluded from the group 's progress .
21 By s.21(1) , above , the gain or loss need not be for the accused or to the victim .
22 The gain or loss need not be permanent .
23 What is shared in common — boyishness — would be forgotten ; fatness or thinness would then be all that mattered .
24 The subsequent application of such rules or guidelines must properly be left to those with particular knowledge of the circumstances of the cases in question .
25 Architects , architectural technicians , or their dependents , who suffer distress or financial difficulty through ill-health , accident , old age or bereavement may well be eligible for assistance by the ABS .
26 Someone who is giving up their former marital home because of divorce or bereavement will probably be anxious not to sacrifice too greatly the lifestyle they enjoyed before .
27 The Conservatives have been right to warn voters that a Labour government would mean far higher tax increases than John Smith currently promises — either that , or Labour would not be able to improve benefits and services in the way people want .
28 The language of rights , legitimate expectations or privileges should not be elevated to any higher status .
29 No anti-Communist action or pronouncement could possibly be ridiculous .
30 Boundedness is not necessarily a quality of the process of institution itself : the same process or institution will not be beyond the boundary to those who are a part of it ; to them , it will be a part of everyday experience , while to others , not a part of it , it will be beyond the boundaries of home-ground .
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