Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 People who dangle wires or ropes on to power lines to see what happens are playing with fire . ’
2 As far as danger to the local population was concerned , it said that a ‘ North East wind is blowing across the Windscale factory and is taking any radioactive dust or vapour out to sea ’ .
3 When we were all off-duty of an evening , Rosemary and I would get ourselves done up in our civvies ( strictly forbidden ) , and with our greatcoats and hats on to fool the eagle eye of the duty NCO in the Waaf Picquet Post , totter down the drive to await the arrival of the boys in the car .
4 I treated me and mum out to lunch .
5 And for those who like the idea of even more sights and nightlife readily to hand , the wonderful city of Vienna is just down the road .
6 Through her craft , she turns simplicity into complexity , and complexity back to simplicity again .
7 Release waste yarn and hook up to jacket front in the usual way .
8 This initiative will enable the Association to assist its members and their staff to keep their knowledge and skills up to date .
9 Others blamed religion for wars and conflicts closer to home .
10 13 Keep picture library records and pictures up to date and make sure you know the whereabouts of every valuable transparency .
11 The celesta is incapable of forceful delivery , but its cool , clear , limpid , yet luscious notes add a feeling of opulence and luxury even to music of a thoroughly commonplace cast .
12 Hi-Tec has just received BABT approval for its EC-2400 modem quad modem , which also offers V22bis and MNP up to Class 5 .
13 The role of CCG 's Safety and Training Department has been to analyse the information available : clarify the requirements and keep management , staff and clients up to date on developments .
14 On the Havana seafront several thousand citizens fired blank cartridges , arrows and catapults out to sea in a symbolic gesture of defiance aimed at the USA .
15 After the 22nd , however , the accent turns to your career and matters closer to home , and there 's no doubt that changes are afoot .
16 This theme , which relates the development of individualism and alienability specifically to homo economicus , has been a longstanding concern in philosophical and political anthropology ( e.g. Dumont 1977 ) .
17 He plans to continue on the all weather at Southwell and Lingfield up to Christmas .
18 The police are thus empowered arbitrarily to limit numbers and to form cordons to allow lorries and workers through to work .
19 Make certain this is known and make enquiries and applications now to East Hampshire District Council , ’ urged Mr. Croucher .
20 Back at our table with the promise of at least a half-hour 's respite while Gino dried his trousers , I brought Sorrel and Werewolf up to date .
21 Reference is made in chapter 4 to the value of making good notes but , as the time of the examination approaches , it is good policy to transfer key facts and figures on to swot cards .
22 Day divides epistles into the categories ‘ general ’ , which are ‘ familiar letters ’ passing between people of ‘ long acquaintance or auntient familiarity ’ ; and ‘ speciall ’ , which ‘ do admit both higher stile and more orderlye deliverance ’ , since they bear ‘ a resolute purpose and intendment seriously to discourse , aunswere , implye or avoyde , any certain matter or causes , importing the present affaires whereupon the direction is framed ’ .
23 And illustrate acceptance of the need to keep their own skills and knowledge up to date through participation in education activities or training appropriate to their role in industry .
24 Most of this is being used to create an artificial platform which will extend a mile along the base of the cliff and 250m out to sea .
25 Each method has its advantages and disadvantages both to health and the preservation of the planet .
26 It was her practice to watch Weenie and Co. off to school , but without letting them know she did it .
27 We will immediately introduce an emergency programme of investment in the infrastructure and in public works in order to get companies and people back to work , thus reducing unemployment by 600,000 over the next two years .
28 The argument is often made that what is required is applied research to deliver products and processes directly to industry .
29 Gastric acid and biliary bicarbonate concentration were determined by titration and back-titration respectively to pH 7.0 using 0.1 M NaOH .
30 This year 's 14-day extravaganza will feature more than 80 performers , and encompass everything from Baroque and blues through to ragtime and rock .
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