Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Schorne 's real fame in picture and text lay invariably in his exploit of trapping the Devil in his boot , but what , if any , incident or allegory underlay this celebration remains completely obscure .
2 Few of us have the time , training , or expertise to do this job properly , even if it were possible to do it for a population as small as 10 000 people — which it is not .
3 If , for instance , guests used a swimming pool at a hotel after dark , it is clear that they have by so doing stepped outside the scope of their invitation or permission to use that part of the premises , and a duty is not owed to them .
4 There is a tricuspid or heart shaped apical papilla flanked on each side by two distal oral papillae , which arise on the adoral shields occasionally the more distal one is divided making it appear as two papillae .
5 There is a pointed or heart shaped apical papilla with one pointed oral papilla on each side usually arising on the oral plates .
6 This is because activities that run counter to expected norms need seclusion or invisibility to permit unsanctioned performance , and because the peculiar identities are sometimes impossible to realise in the absence of the appropriate setting .
7 It 's important when communicating with people of other races or cultures to use simple language and make sure they can understand you .
8 Hence the confusion evident in situations where superior military might has little utility — the economic challenge of Japan , the European Community 's recalcitrance in negotiations over the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) or attempts to agree global policy on environmental issues at the June 1992 Earth Summit .
9 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
10 That some individuals or groups challenge received opinion in their society , as Goody claims some Greek historians did , is obviously true .
11 Option ( b ) could have taken the following forms : ( i ) an attack on the forces/territory of those seeking to obstruct free navigation ; ( ii ) escort activity to defend merchant shipping seeking to exercise the right to free navigation ; and ( iii ) clearing wreckage or mines endangering free passage through Gulf waterways like the Strait of Hormuz .
12 But there needs to be a commitment on the part of the college or course to give more time and greater attention to music 's role in worship .
13 Winsor & Newton make three alkyd mediums in total ; Liquin , Wingel and Oleopasto .
14 The reason the market economy or catallaxy produces fresh wealth rather than simply redistributing existing wealth is critically bound up with the way in which market prices act as signals containing vital information .
15 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
16 The risk of lung cancer increases in relation to the number of cigars or pipefuls smoked each day and the degree of inhalation .
17 For £10 to £20 users buy tablets or capsules called White Lightning , Pink Panthers , Triple X , Green Monsters , Phase Four , White Doves and California Yellows .
18 No evidence that Italy or Germany had prior knowledge of outbreak of war yet arms aircraft sent within a fortnight of rising 15th July 1936 .
19 She wears Marks & Spencer lambswool red tunic top , £25 ; Principles skirt ( part of the suit ) , £39.99 ; Butler & Wilson double pearly earrings , £28
20 Skinhead haircuts & Crombies missed each other by the better part of a year & ‘ crombie boys ’ as they became known , often had shoulder length hair .
21 It follows that , except in a case where either the common law or statute allows instant dismissal ( e.g. , for gross misconduct ) , a lecturer can only be dismissed for good cause after being given three months ' notice ( though the lecturer can terminate the agreement on three months ' notice without any reason being assigned ) .
22 Peter Smith of Coopers & Lybrand expressed some doubt about whether the necessary guidance was practicable yet , and therefore whether a statutory duty was appropriate .
23 A poetic context can also condition the reader or hearer to accept grammatical deviance , especially if syntactic well-formedness is clearly being sacrificed to some higher aesthetic end , such as the maintenance of rhyme , or metre , or some other patterning .
24 Nowhere inside our brains or eyes has any neuroscientist ever found anything remotely resembling our constant everyday experience of light .
25 Recently , it has been shown that the injection of wheat germ agglutinin ( WGA ) coupled to labels such as colloidal gold or HRP produces effective labelling of cells lining the amniotic cavity ( 24 ) , It is likely that other high molecular weight molecules which will bind to epiblast or ectoderm cells , such as other lectins or perhaps antibodies ( see Chapter 2 , Section 4 ) , may prove suitable labels for selectively marking these cells or cells lining other cavities in the embryo .
26 Sotheby 's Peel & Asociados offer Italianate relief
27 The Greeks were too busy celebrating their victories against the Celts in verse or marble to give serious thought to the causes of such commotions .
28 But it may be that the company is producing a range of products and has set up separate units or subsidiaries to exploit each product market .
30 Perinatal mortality is the seventh most common cause of death and only one-third of all deliveries or miscarriages received medical attention in 1975 .
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