Example sentences of "[v-ing] over [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She left him , having found out what she wanted to know , and took her own bus home , mulling over her good idea .
2 Alison Walker lay pale-faced and tearful , one hand instinctively resting over her swollen abdomen as if to protect the child within .
3 The photographer and author , Daniel Farson , recollects Minton surrounded by sailors and fussing over his latest infatuation as if he were a chorus girl , whilst simultaneously complaining , ‘ I 'm only liked because I 'm rich .
4 The sight in the crowded courtroom of Evalina Marmon weeping over her murdered child incensed them and the evidence of the other witnesses , sensationalised by the media , worked up public hysteria .
5 I can imagine what he 'll think if you ring him up and say you 've found me weeping over my special patient !
6 Kneeling over her lower body , his belly hanging on to her knees , he began gently to cut off her panties .
7 For , ever since , he had been turning the name over and over in his mind , puzzling over its slight familiarity .
8 Our picture shows the Hunterston team puzzling over their next move at one of the checkpoints .
9 Mocking eyes closed , firm mouth relaxed , black hair tumbling over his high forehead , he appeared younger , exposed , subject to the vulnerability that sleep brought .
10 ‘ We were saying , ’ said Enid , without looking over her hefty lurex shoulder , ‘ that Ricky France-Lynch 's personality stopped him getting to the top . ’
11 At first she tried not to stare at him , knowing how the feeling of someone looking over her own shoulder made her clumsy , but soon it became clear that he was no longer aware of her at all .
12 Looking over his left shoulder , he raises his arms perpendicular to his sides .
13 His mouth feathered hers with the softness of thistledown and then , incredibly , as her lips would have clung , he moved away from her , and it was like the sting of rejection , the icy dash of water cascading over her heated flesh .
14 What would they feel like gliding over her bare skin ?
15 ‘ You know , ’ ruminates Shaun Ryder , frowning over his fifth pint , after a night of stilted soul-searching , six months of silence and a whole heap of rumours , ‘ it surprises me that people ever expected anything more from us .
16 Meticulously , she sucked him dry , and stood up to open her mouth for him to see his seed swimming over her pink tongue and gums .
17 Looming over his huge desk , he took on a frightening aspect .
18 The stream was in full spate , rushing over its stony bed with such force as to make the way across the stepping-stones hazardous for George and Bob .
19 Pouring over its latest simulation runs , Sun is confident it has broken the back of the technical problem .
20 She halted halfway across the carpet , and was aware of his sharp glance going over her bespectacled face and shapeless suit .
21 Alain continued to look down at her , his eyes moving over her upturned face , and then he stood abruptly and motioned to the door .
22 The pattern of sand on her shoulder glistened and he felt her mouth moving over his upper lip , his nipples , his belly .
23 He deposited her case at the front door then strode back to his car , and she watched him go with hatred , her eyes moving over his powerful body , so lean , so tall , so impeccably dressed .
24 But she could n't resist studying fitzAlan as he secured his pack , her eyes moving over his fair head , the strong planes of his face , the hard line of his mouth .
25 Two ducks were flying over their favourite pond when they heard the sound of a hunter 's gun and turned tail to flee .
26 A red man alone in the midst of his enemies , helmetless , red hair flying over his red plaid , mouth red as if from drinking the blood that flowed from wounds on his cheek , his hip and his right elbow , airy as a dancer , careless and crazy with excitement , yelling , singing , laughing and cheering , Lachlan was fighting six men together and winning .
27 She spread her legs a little wider , as his mouth feasted upon her from arsehole to clitoris , slobbering over her saturated crotch .
28 Franca did not attempt to wipe away the tears , she let them roll down and drip onto the front of the apron which she was wearing over her brown dress .
29 Small kisses , so sweet and conciliatory , running over her upper lip , across her face , down her throat .
30 Their lyrical sentiments are perfectly sane , though , such as running over our beloved PM in an ambulance .
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