Example sentences of "[v-ing] her [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She felt him naked between her thighs , felt the throb of his manhood against her slippery skin , and his long , expert fingers were still on the pulse that was taking her over , making her mad , driving her into wild darkness , and his voice said thickly , ‘ Rachel …
2 She admits there is a competitive streak in Kylie Minogue that is driving her towards live shows simply to silence the knockers .
3 Levering himself up to sit back on his heels and pulling her easily with him , he lifted her on to his lap , so that she found herself straddling him , her naked breasts pressed against the sensuous roughness of his chest , with only thin swimming costumes protecting her from ultimate intimacy .
4 Sunlight streamed through the arched windows , dusting her with pale gold as she hurried along the Aubusson carpet that stretched the length of the gallery .
5 Erm , yeah Mrs she sort of has the power over level erm if she she sort of , it 's like she 's sort of keeping her on this level in the same household as her
6 Medics are keeping her under intensive care but say she is making satisfactory progress .
7 The slide of bodies bathed in perspiration ceased as Luke shuddered and stilled momentarily before moving to kneel over her , surveying her with glittering eyes , his shadow cast over her , and Maria fell back against the pillows with a hoarse sob , wordlessly pleading with him to end the torment , aching for him , needing to feel him inside her , hating him for prolonging her agony like this and resenting the control that enabled him to do it .
8 Mutinously she flicked her gaze back to where he was surveying her in stony silence .
9 After tea she unpacked her shabby and much-mended clothes ( no chance of getting stockings for Christmas now , unless Felicity had a practical fit and sent her some ! ) and wrote two letters : a polite little note to Miss Henry , thanking her for past kindness , and a lengthy epistle to Gay , telling her the gloomy news .
10 The Clerk was to send a letter of apology to Mrs thanking her for twenty years of service and ask if she 'd reconsider the job .
11 It was as if he were touching her , physically caressing her with that dark , gold-flecked gaze .
12 His head went back and he laughed at her mutinous expression , the glint in his eyes deepening , before leaning forward again and addressing her with quiet insistence .
13 He is reduced to wooing her with honeyed words on behalf of his handsome but tongue-tied young friend .
14 Her lungs heaving , she fell against a tree , then slowly slid down the trunk to sit at its foot , her arms wrapped tight round her updrawn knees in an effort to hold in the pain and shock that was robbing her of coherent thought .
15 I stepped inside and got behind her and tried pushing her from that side .
16 He was transporting her to another world , and she responded to him with uninhibited abandon .
17 His touch lanced through her like a lightning bolt , clenching every muscle and tightening every nerve before filling her with liquid heat .
18 A sick feeling was beginning in the base of her stomach , growing , filling her with blind misery .
19 The next step , which only the most well-off men such as restaurant owners can afford , is keeping this wife in semi-purdah — in other words sentencing her to solitary confinement .
20 The other half of the club has a stage surrounded by white plastic tables and chairs , above which a blonde girl in a white body stocking was dangling from a rope , with only a ligature around her ankle saving her from crashing head first to the floor .
21 The girl was holding out a small , delicate-looking hand , eyeing her with polite curiosity .
22 Now , as she prepared to close the window , the robin returned , standing only inches from her hand and eyeing her with great deliberation , his tiny head cocked to one side and his bright eyes glinting in the sunshine .
23 ‘ Yes , I should imagine you do , ’ he said evenly , eyeing her with ill-concealed boredom .
24 Guy Sterne was eyeing her with amused curiosity .
25 Voices continued for hours , snapping her to occasional attention .
26 He had stood quietly swaying himself on his heels , an almost derisive expression in the curl of his lips as he smoked a cigarette , his very silence provoking her to further abuse .
27 ‘ He 's meeting her in seven minutes !
28 Her inner caution was warning her against this feeling , but was finding it hard to get through to her .
29 The repeal movement 's national leadership , alarmed about Hopkins ' activities , wrote warning her against any collusion with the enemy . ’
30 When she saw her gesture performed by a sister who had been admiring and imitating her from earliest childhood , she felt a certain unease : the adult gesture did not fit an eleven-year-old child .
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