Example sentences of "[v-ing] down the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Television offered either live coverage or by editing down the best moments presented a particularly dramatic version of events .
2 Its beauty lies not in its architecture , but in the magnificence of its views as it sits in splendid isolation on top of a steep hill looking down the unencumbered views across fields , moors and woodland to the river valleys of the Wye and Elan .
3 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
4 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
5 In between carousing down the powdery slopes , Branson and his colleagues could take stock of an empire that had grown almost beyond recognition in the last six years .
6 Spellbound , I drove upwards into the bright splendour , staring through the windscreen as though I had never seen it all before ; the bronze of the dead bracken spilling down the grassy Banks of the hills , the dark smudges of trees , the grey farmhouses and the endless pattern of wails creeping to the heather above .
7 Quinn was racing down the three flights of stairs to the lobby-level .
8 ‘ You know very well what lists — marking down the young men for the wars . ’
9 You walk quickly through , see the kitchen and go in there , pulling down the Venetian blinds .
10 Denied its usual egress , the river had burst its banks and was pouring down the fire-ravaged streets .
11 TRACKING down the stray dogs of Inverness may soon be easier thanks to the ubiquitous micro-chip .
12 The four RJ-45 connections can be configured so that the unused wires carry an additional four 10BaseT connections by using the MiLAN MIL 4084 Expansion Module or by punching down the extra lines .
13 As we know , the organisation of business er is n't their strong point at the moment , whether its been run ragged by their own rebels or clumsily breaking down the usual channels , seems our non-cooperation policy is merely an extension of the one that 's been working so effectively inside the Conservative party under the present Prime Minister .
14 A strong sense of regional identity characterises the Boards and has undoubtedly assisted in breaking down the traditional divisions between capital and labour .
15 Breaking down the traditional expectations of where parents send their children could include leaflet drops encouraging families to use the facilities of the school .
16 From ‘ above ’ , a left government could attempt to gain control over the deployment of investment funds , in particular the surplus income of the personal sector , while from ‘ below ’ workers could struggle for democratic control over the particular enterprises which employ them , breaking down the managerial hierarchies and commercial secrecy of these enterprises .
17 Bacteria and fungi go to work breaking down the dead organisms ' protein into amino acids and converting them into ammonia , a useful source of nutrition .
18 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
19 The corrie looks terrifying from its base , and indeed I would hazard a guess that avalanches are pretty fond of rumbling down the upper reaches of it after spring snow .
20 Face rubbed against face , the taller ones squelching down the shorter ones , the darker ones overshadowing the lighter ones .
21 It were flowing down the both ways down .
22 Using your rough pencil copy as a guide , commence the preparation of the artwork by placing down the mounting pads of the components , using either crepe tape circles or rub-down dry transfers of appropriate diameter .
23 There 's a power cut ; the lights go out and we light candles and gas lamps and end up — a hard core of seven of us ; Andy , me , Howie , another two local lads and a couple of the traveller boys — down in the snooker room where there 's a beat-up looking table and a leak in the ceiling that turns the whole of the stained , green-baize surface into a millimetre-shallow marsh , water dripping from each pocket and dribbling down the bulky legs to the sopping carpet , and we play snooker by the light of the hissing gas lamps , having to hit the white ball really hard even for delicate shots because of the extra rolling resistance the water causes , and the balls make a zizzing , ripping noise as they race across the table and sometimes you can see spray curving up behind them and I 'm feeling really drunk and a bit stoned from a couple of strong Js smoked out in the garden earlier with the travellers but I think this dimly lit water-hazard snooker is just hilarious and I 'm laughing maniacally at it all and I put an arm round Andy 's neck at one point and say , You know I love you , old buddy , and is n't friendship and love what 's it 's really all about ? and why ca n't people just see that and just be nice to each other ? except there are just so many complete bastards in the world , but Andy just shakes his head and I try to kiss him and he gently fends me off and steadies me against one wall and props me up with a snooker cue against my chest and I think this is really funny for some reason and laugh so much I fall over and have distinct problems getting up again and get carried to my room by Andy and one of the travellers and dumped on the bed and fall instantly asleep .
24 The account in fact came from John Varnom , who was delighted to find himself placed next to Bell at a dinner party , and spent the entire evening commuting between the table and the lavatory , furiously jotting down the overheard anecdotes .
25 Yet the British advocates of EMU , such as Sir Leon Brittan , prefer to dwell on the supposed practical benefits , playing down the political implications .
26 The report is presently unfinished and unpublished , allegedly because of opposition from the Bush administration , which has been intent on playing down the possible effects of global warming .
27 It is generally supposed that while Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and such people wish to maintain the evangelical ethos , the younger generation of Peter Robinson , Jim Wells , Jim Allister , and others recruited through the Queen 's University branch of the DUP want to create a mass popular party by playing down the evangelical elements in the party platform and by pursuing more respectable methods of political action .
28 If James II were to recapture his throne , it would have to be by force , as the result of a successful foreign invasion , but William 's government proved more than a match , putting down the Jacobite rebellions in Scotland and Ireland , and defeating the prospect of a French-backed invasion with victory at La Hogue in 1692 .
29 The grounds total about 55 acres with gardens , pasture and woodland rolling down the steep slopes to meet the waters of the River Fowey and Woodgate Pill .
30 As the poem reaches its climax , Stephen — naked but covered in paint : green body , red cock and yellow balls — will leap , screaming down the 200 feet into a safety net .
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