Example sentences of "[v-ing] on to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The wind-sucker is similar to the crib-biter , but manages to swallow air without latching on to any object so the teeth do not suffer abnormal and excessive wear .
2 Fire is all animals ' natural enemy , no animal is gon na go through fire of its own volition , erm and again the point , just moving away from the cats , which I 'd agree , the cat was hanging on to that platform , looking very stressed , signs of its tail , course it 's not gon na jump .
3 I found myself hanging on to that spirit , first at the office of Policia de Investigationes del Peru ( motto : ‘ Honor y Lealtad ’ ) where it was never the same man on my case .
4 The face was grinning , cheekless , with an eye hanging on to bare bone , glistening raw meat where great tooth marks showed clearly it had been half eaten .
5 This structure was only the remains of a bridge , and necessitated a crossing hanging on to one piece of rusty wire while balancing on another single line swinging perilously below .
6 He snatched it back hastily and then looked up to where Cardiff and Barbara were hanging on to each other under the storm 's onslaught , coughing and choking in the shower of plaster .
7 And we 're hanging on to each other trying to get on the plane .
8 The way they were hanging on to each other when I caught them , it 's very easy to believe . ’
9 I could n't trust the boots , and was hanging on to any hold .
10 Then she followed her father back towards the flock , where the sheep at the rear , desperate at the sight of hay ahead and too stupid to look for it from any source except the one they all sought , were scrambling on to each other 's backs in panic .
11 The next day the RUC tried to block a 4,000 strong Paisleyite protest march from the centre of Belfast , but the marchers broke through and rampaged through the centre of the city breaking shop windows , stoning the Catholic-owned International Hotel and going on to Sandy Row where they tried to burn down a bookie 's shop which employed Catholics .
12 You may be going on to new material before thoroughly mastering previous material .
13 As noted above , a majority of Oxfordshire teachers are in favour of going on to second round of reviews and reports .
14 The ratio of boys to girls going on to further education was 50 per cent in 1925 , and 63 per cent in 1978 .
15 They have then concluded that going on to further education or staying at school are better options .
16 The majority of our trainees are hoping for a career in care , and we hope that many will be going on to further education at the end of the year .
17 New College is proud of its academic record , with most students going on to further education .
18 But we know are going on to double shift on Monday
19 As soon as you have had enough you wait until the plane arrives , going on to newer ground or back for a return flight to the bright lights of Reykjavik .
20 Despite this perceived impotence , a majority of teachers are in favour of going on to another round of reviews and reports .
21 Such a class of behaviours includes going on to another task of a kind similar to that assigned by the teacher at one level and exploratory behaviour at a ‘ higher ’ level .
22 The court heard that Nichol then drove her home before going on to another girlfriend , Leoni Hogg , whom he had previously lived with .
23 In the latter , emphasis was placed on practical skills such as technical drawing and woodwork , with some pupils going on to some form of technical college but with most leaving at 15 years of age and few if any achieving university entrance .
24 Such a dramatic decline made possible an improvement in the opportunity index , the measure of the percentage of all eleven-year-old children going on to secondary education .
25 The 11 + examination tested what teachers believed it was important for children to know before going on to secondary school .
26 Extending from the individual partnerships there are wide varieties of helpful relationships between groups or classes of children and a department of a business or a small company going on to whole business/school schemes .
27 Contracts of employment were unknown and I remember the gloom at home if Dad announced that the works were going on to short time .
28 Possibly their bruises were simply the effect of ejecting on to hard sand from a fast aircraft .
29 Proud of the rapid development time for the 601 , the two companies are nevertheless rushing on to complete work on three other promised iterations of the part , now under development at IBM 's Somerset plant in Austin , Texas .
30 Like it or lump it , the world is slowly turning on to Graphical User Interfaces , whether they be Windows , the Apple Mac 's operating system , or the Next — not forgetting OS/2 v 2.0 , of course .
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