Example sentences of "[v-ing] its [noun] from the " in BNC.

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1 The National Trust runs its hundreds of properties as a charity … and apart from protecting its charges from the ravages of winter , covering up saves them five months dusting .
2 But the character of Plas-yn-Rhiw is subtler than that , drawing its mood from the Welsh landscape and blending its colours with those of the wildflowers with are freely admitted through the gates .
3 At this point in the theory , the Nirvana principle is conceived of as deriving its energy from the death instincts , and the pleasure principle serves these too sometimes , and therefore it loses its former primacy in the unconscious life of man .
4 To a great extent this democratic movement has to be seen as a class movement : first of the bourgeoisie seeking freedom from feudal constraints and aristocratic rule , and subsequently of the working class seeking its liberation from the domination of the bourgeoisie .
5 Some eight hours later , and for the next four days , it sets about the task of ejecting its companions from the nest .
6 The parent who shows strong disapproval , smacking the child or forcibly removing its hand from the offending area is sowing the first seeds of inhibition or sexual disorder .
7 Environmental groups complain that the government is getting its advice from the pesticide industry .
8 They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression .
9 But , taking its cue from the Flowers Report , the industry began to look with renewed vigour for somewhere to get rid of its most troublesome detritus .
10 Having found a group of flowers bearing nectar , it is able , taking its cue from the sun , to fly straight back along a reverse bearing to its hive .
11 The US being a Fund shareholder and the staff taking its cue from the US , who is the Fund to tell a country to limit its arms expenditure ?
12 This line reached a crossing of the Mid Wales Line , of the Cambrian Railway , at Builth Road in April 1867 , then known as Llechryd but taking its name from the high level station which still survives .
13 Taking its impetus from the alleged crash of a flying saucer at Roswell in 1947 and the supposed recovery of alien bodies , this is the theory that the US government has been in contact with aliens for years , but has kept it secret .
14 The EC has also taken on the role of policing the exercise of these rights through the Commission and the European Court of Justice , taking its brief from the provisions of the Treaty of Rome 1957 concerning free movement of goods and services , restrictive trade agreements and abuses of dominant trading positions .
15 It lived in freshwater lakes in southern Pangaea in the later Permian , and became less of a sprawler , swinging its limbs from the shoulders to the hips , thus lengthening its stride .
16 Mr Grover was as good as his word and on Christmas morning soon after breakfast a very strange procession began making its way from the market .
17 Where one vehicle collides with a number of other vehicles causing a series of two vehicle collisions such a situation will be regarded as a multi-vehicle collision thereby excluding its application from the terms of the Partial Indemnity Clause .
18 The system works by emitting a series of signals to orbiting satellites , timing the return signal and computing its position from the resulting ‘ fixes ’ .
19 Seizing the opportunity offered by Compaq Computer Corp 's formal resignation from the Advanced Computing Environment initiative ( UX No 382 ) , the Santa Cruz Operation Inc , finally steeled itself to announce the suspension of all of its MIPS Computer Systems Inc development work last week — effectively tendering its resignation from the ACE crowd .
20 By 1800 , societies had been founded in provincial capitals all over Spain and the whole movement was centralized in the Madrid Society , ‘ receiving its impulses from the provinces and reflecting those influences thither strengthened ’ .
21 Huge pages underlined the scarceness of resources , and hot metal setting its distance from the offset litho of It , let alone the colour and verve of Oz .
22 It means keeping Northern Ireland in the UK state for the foreseeable future while banning its citizens from the politics of the state .
23 The traditional explanation is that the stripes act as camouflage and help to break up the shape of the animal , concealing its body from the eyes of hungry predators .
24 But that case was the subject of research by Mr. Glick and his team , and was revealed ( from the reports in Lofft 655 and in the State Trials 20 St.Tr. 239 ) to be a cause celebre in which the great issue ( of immense public interest ) related to the power to levy taxes in the island of Grenada following its capture from the French King , it being accepted by the Crown without argument that the relevant taxes , if not duly levied , must be repaid .
25 Following its purchase from the government and exhibition at the London Museum , the dormeuse was despatched on a tour of the British Isles .
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