Example sentences of "[v-ing] its [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 Police say the group has murdered more than 37 Escobar associates and blown up buildings belonging to his family since announcing its formation at the start of February .
2 Realising its error at the last minute , the magazine just managed to insert a back-page acknowledgement of its gaffe but not to correct the offending caption .
3 Last year congress carried a motion on racism and fascism expressing its alarm at the rise of fascism and racism in Germany and France this has always been a trade union issue .
4 In Strasbourg , the 23-nation Council of Europe issued a statement expressing its indignation at the killing .
5 Cheltenham Borough Council has passed a motion expressing its outrage at the murder and has promised to imrove security in the town .
6 It believes DEC is more than capable of meeting its goals at the top end of the market — in the same way that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp capitalised on the performance of their respective HP 9000 Series 700 and RS/6000 lines when they were introduced .
7 It believes DEC is more than capable of meeting its goals at the top end of the market — in the same way that Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM capitalised on the performance of their respective HP 9000 Series 700 and RS/6000 lines when they were introduced .
8 Quintus is aiming its product at the high-tech and software industry and hardware and software managers inside end-user organisations .
9 The airline will operate a Tuesday and Sunday service to St Petersburg , expanding its operations at the Essex airport .
10 A common fault here is to think of the rotor disc as being the model , and watch it describe a graceful turn only to find that the fuselage is now pointing its tail at the ground .
11 One of these carries the legend Cunoarus Fecit/ Vico Durobrivis , recording its manufacture at the vicus at Durobrivae , which is one of the rare instances in Roman Britain where epigraphy attests a site 's status .
12 Ron and Julia are the last couple to be married in the 160-year-old church , which will be closing its doors at the end of June .
13 The Caledonian orogeny in reaching its climax at the end of Silurian times , expressed itself along the same Taconian lines and along the lines that were , much later , to be the Atlantic Ocean .
14 Life showing its arse at the universal party . ’
15 Rough Trade was already smacking its lips at the prospect of a massive selling LP .
16 The Privy Council is then found referring to arbitration a dispute between two foreigners , hearing the submission and apology of a merchant for speaking offensively about the Queen , instructing sheriffs to send up a note of the number of prisoners in their gaols , ordering mayors of seaports to prepare private ships to serve in the navy against the expected Spanish invasion , telling its agents at the Hague to arrange for the purchase of matches for guns , sending off various warrants , organizing the acquisition of copper for the Queen 's service , delegating the decision in a legal action to the J.P.s of Bedfordshire , permitting the taking of a collection on behalf of a Cornish village despoiled by Spaniards , and writing to the Lord Mayor of London about a complaint against his predecessor .
17 About a hundred and fifty feet down the side of the hill was Sal 's VW Golf lying on its roof waving its wheels at the sky .
18 I think that Paul could feel joyful because he felt that his life was nearing its end at the time that he wrote .
19 Following its premiere at the Newcastle Odeon , it has been kept on , now , for a third week .
20 Following its launch at the Tate Gallery ( 17 February-25 April ) , a prestigious international circuit has been arranged for the exhibition which goes to the Museo Nacional de Reina Sofia , Madrid ( 8 June-23 August ) , New York 's Museum of Modern Art ( 22 September-4 January 1994 ) , the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art ( 3 February-17 April 1994 ) and the Walker Art Center , Minneapolis ( 23 July-2 October 1994 ) .
21 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that in line with an overall reduction in " overseas commitments " , the Soviet Union had begun reducing its presence at the air and naval base of Cam Ranh Bay , with the withdrawal of MiG-23 and Tu-16 aircraft at the end of 1989 .
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