Example sentences of "[v-ing] up into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She could see Miss Henrietta yet in her mind 's eye , so young and lovely , laughing up into the face of her adoring Captain Cook .
2 Looking past Adam , she saw Fand had stopped by another set of steps winding up into the rock .
3 Climbing up into the cockpit , Tabitha threw the melon in the disposal and wiped her hands .
4 At the Regina station Mr Murray insisted on climbing up into the engine tender to shake hands with and thank the engineer and fireman who had brought us through the storm on this far-from-ordinary journey .
5 ‘ One moment , ’ he said , climbing up into the cab and sitting in the driving seat .
6 Rohmer was looking up into the sky as the vortex of smoke and steam was greedily sucked skywards into the black roiling clouds of the storm .
7 Dexter stood at the bottom of the stairs , looking up into the gloom at their head .
8 ‘ The graveyard of St. Giles , ’ Sir James testily remarked , looking up into the night sky .
9 But anyway , very dramatic shot looking up into the mouth of the balloon with this huge flame going up .
10 Others designed the sculpture for a specific viewpoint , which can sometimes be reconstructed by looking up into the figure 's eyes .
11 Tabitha saw them through the viewport : silhouettes of black on purple , scrambling up into the hangar and clinging , chittering , to the knobbly brown walls .
12 Although Molins ' aim is to capture the ‘ small — and often unacknowledged — details of life ’ , her eye ranges from broad vistas noting the peculiar effect of a lamp-post Lurching up into the sky or of a statue gesticulating from the top of a building , to close-up studies of various corners of interiors .
13 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
14 Perhaps yeah I think you must have been airborne at that stage to be er , had such a enormous flame going up into the balloon .
15 Yeah , yeah , well he 's I interviewed him er last year and he was telling me that he remembers going up into the loft in 's erm , the whole of the station yard was full of cattle .
16 It was a large wooden building , with no ceiling but cool crisscrossed rafters going up into the roof of wood and thatch .
17 Sarah ( 4.10 ) : The people are going up into the boat .
18 Since there are no further hands rushing up into the air I 'll say a few words myself .
19 The man in the leather jacket stood on the platform for a moment longer before stepping up into the carriage next to Donna 's .
20 Great icy tits sticking up into the sky ?
21 Sticking up into the Gulf of Mexico like a thumb , Yucatan points towards Miami and New Orleans , each only an hour and a half from Merida by air .
22 Keening by the side of the corpse , the professional nacarena still howled her tale of the deceased , spinning it out from scraps of information the family had told her , and then delivering it bound and knotted into a customary warp of praise and lamentation with the reassuring catch-phrases that were always used , to level the pleasant and the unpleasant , the cherished and the despised into a democracy of death , making each death absolutely regrettable , knitting up into the web of the dirge the separate individuals of the community .
23 What was happening was that the broomstick was swooping up into the sky , now dotted with stars , and that Carol was astride it , just like a witch in a fairy-tale .
24 Columns of smoke were drifting up into the sky .
25 You can see the cloud that brought today 's snow has been feeding up into the country from northern France and it will continue to do so for at least the next day or so .
26 She had let the lines go when the first brutal snap had straightened the nylon , and stood glancing back at me and staring up into the sky as I fought to control the power in the skies above us .
27 And so began one of the most successful record production partnerships of the decade — the glitzy music biz rewards of which are an impressive collection of gold discs , hanging along the stairwell at Street Mansions and continuing up into the studio , where they are accompanied by a blown-up print of The Beatles hard at work in the studio on the ‘ Let It Be ’ sessions .
28 The day shift was coming up into the twilight , miners with tired and miserable faces trooping out , their clothes as tattered as those of the miners in the Borinage .
29 Standing back , she watched the bubbles coming up into the bottle .
30 ‘ I heard a door , ’ he said , glancing up into the darkness 135 in the direction of the stone parapet .
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