Example sentences of "[v-ing] up for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Olympic decathlete Daley Thompson has left the world of track and field and is gearing up for a new career in motor racing .
2 The traditional multilateral institutions , IMF and World Bank , are gearing up for a major contribution .
3 Comedienne Marti Caine , star presenter of BBC1 's Joker in the Pack is gearing up for a hair-raising performance as the evil panto Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs .
4 The sportscar firm is gearing up for a multi-million pound windfall by having replicas of the dream machine on sale in the next few weeks for at least £5,000 apiece .
5 United were wobbling ; Hoddle was winding up for a big finish .
6 We are led inexorably towards Kingsley and Redford squaring up for a mental duel between software equals , one barmily convinced that He Who Has The Database Rules The World and the other on the side of human compassion which ca n't be reduced to byte-size chunks .
7 Yeah , I thought you were saving up for a new game for your Sega system ?
8 Mm you basically saving up for a complete system ?
9 B : ‘ That would be wonderful but I think we will be saving up for a long time .
10 There will be sweet moments for all of us , but they will be swamped by the sour … and we 'll all be happy , in our own peculiar way , saving up for a sunny day two or three years off in the future .
11 He has already stopped me from saving up for a large format SLR camera ; my trusty 35-mm model will do well enough for the closeups of butterflies and flowers that interest me .
12 Railway enthusiasts are queueing up for a nostalgic trip on a steam train .
13 He could have destroyed Tottenham except for their world class goalie who is shaping up for a good World Cup eh Halvard ?
14 Lawrence was fuming after Barnsley beat Boro 1–0 on Monday , and a season that promised so much is shaping up for a disastrous finale .
15 Tonight was just the culmination of what 's been building up for a long time . ’
16 You might say that this thing had been brewing up for a long time , that the threat was there ; they had n't seen it .
17 Barry Jones boiled over when he saw 63-year-old Vera brewing up for a local hospice on her day off .
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