Example sentences of "[v-ing] him as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , it looks very much as if he was able to help young Ben out a bit : probably by employing him as a commercial traveller in his own drapery business .
2 He had dreamed about Mr Whistle , picturing him as a child-sized man in a Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit , with floppy velvet bows and knickerbockers , his head a white eggshape , featureless but for a shark 's gash of a mouth .
3 These need to be grasped if we are to understand him — and so to make use of him , rather than simply dismissing him as an embittered elitist pessimist .
4 A previously unknown organization calling itself the Organization for the Defence of the Rights of Prisoners and Detainees had issued a statement claiming responsibility for Leyraud 's abduction , describing him as a French intelligence officer and threatening that he would be executed if another hostage was released .
5 But it was the unanimous view of the board that it manifested contempt towards the divinity of Christ by presenting him as a living man , not a symbol , and as the object of overt sexual passion .
6 They introduced Mr Parretti to CLBN in 1987 , presenting him as a potential investor in their company .
7 Now Amsterdam seem to be willing to take him on despite the scandal , and are presenting him as an exciting and controversial figure , while many of his former colleagues in The Hague admire him , as do the public ; he is seen as decisive , inspiring and provocative .
8 Wizz Jones began his musical career fronting a country and skiffle band in his home town of Croydon , Surrey in 1958 , and has been an established member of the British and European acoustic folk/blues scene ever since , with artists like Eric Clapton citing him as a major influence .
9 Deism frees this bound-in monadic god by releasing him as an immanent but impersonal spirit .
10 But of course she could n't ; she had to sit there and be polite , supporting him as the next chairman , knowing that was exactly what he was , knowing no one could handle the job better , and knowing too that he was one day going to get around to handling her … superbly .
11 They still said that he talked much too big , but they did stop treating him as a scruffy nonentity .
12 A white professor has apologised to one of his black lecturers ( who happens to be on the executive of the ANC ) for ‘ treating him as an academic lightweight ’ .
13 The determination Alexander demonstrated as a war-leader undoubtedly resurfaced on a number of occasions after Russia made peace , but explaining the emancipation of the serfs by depicting him as a latter-day Peter the Great oversimplifies Russian politics between 1855 and 1861 and says almost nothing about the shape of the emancipation settlement .
14 At the first performance Vivienne was terrified by Sweeney , seeing him as a homicidal madman .
15 On June 15 the military expressed their support for Gen. Chaovalit by appointing him as a special adviser to the Internal Security Command , the Supreme Command , and the combined armed forces .
16 The ancient Spartan cult paid Eros great homage , regarding him as a great creative force in men 's lives , the builder of dynasties and the establisher of friendships , as well as the creator of sexual desire .
17 In a 1985 case , however , the High Court granted an injunction against a health authority which was unwilling to continue employing the plaintiff , despite regarding him as a competent worker , because of his personality clash with a more senior colleague .
18 ANEW portrait of Jesse Jackson , showing him as a blond , blue-eyed white man , attracted more than aesthetic interest when it was displayed on a Washington street corner last Wednesday .
19 It was important that they should all be seen to be doing this in a town as a matter of agreed policy , to present a common front to prospective buyers who could not therefore accuse a particular tradesman of unfairly , unjustly discrediting him as a personal vendetta .
20 An apprentice fitter for the Harbour Commissioners , Mark has burst through showing tremendous talent this season and already there are some who are nominating him as a future British 125cc champion .
21 However , although his bust shares a place of honour in the apse of Westminster Abbey with that of Darwin , commemorating him as a great co-pioneer of rational science , elsewhere his memory is largely eclipsed perhaps because of the premature breadth of that dream .
22 Aware that Brando had enjoyed his 1979 comedy The In-Laws , Bergman reworked the same basic plot around the star 's mythic bulk , casting him as the manipulative mafia don Carmine Sabatini , who gives Broderick the job of minding a komodo dragon , and adopts him as one of the ‘ family ’ .
23 It is closely associated with Kant 's assertion that there are ways of treating a man which are inconsistent with recognising him as a full member of the community so that such treatment is profoundly unjust .
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